This from the local paper: Newquay, Cornwall. 03.12.2008 (much edited):
Someone, a local artist has been leaving his own hand-painted gifts around the town centre in an effort to spread 'the real meaning of Christmas' which he feels has been lost.
He has painted more than 150 pebbles with an image of the baby Jesus.
More than 70 of the ornately decorated pebbles have already been placed around the town and have been discovered by residents.
The small fist-sized pebbles are laid out at random on small heaps of hay. As shoppers flock to the town centre in the run-up to Christmas the artist hopes that they will discover his handiwork and the 'real message' of Christmas.
Pebbles from a beach
and on each
the baby Jesus.
Christmas within reach.
The Christ Child on a stone.
The pebbles have their bounds,
each a different set.
He accomodates them yet.
Pebbles from a beach
strewn along the street,
A Christ Child by the gate.
Around the market: eight.
The Christ Child pocket-sized:
each a comfort stone,
pebbles to be prized
and worried to the bone.
Pebbles from a beach,
harder than that crib
in its far off stable.
Everywhere, he's able.
Cots from a pebbly shore,
Saviours tucked in stone.
How many will be drafted?
We each must find our own.
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Reminds me of the concept... move the sand on a beach and something else a thousand miles away will be effected.
I like the whole idea of making art and leaving it for others to find,
Sure you're not thinking of the butterfly in tokio causing a tornado in California?
Crafty Green poet
Agreed: a particularly Christmassy gesture, I think.
lovely!!! and have a very merry christmas dear dave!
Now that is an idea that gets us closer to the real meaning of Christmas than most.
Your poem is a small present too.
This is part of the fun of the blogosphere - finding unexpected treasures.
Happy Christmas.
Love the idea, very sweet, humane, and sentimental. Is the artist a Christian? Or did he simply use Christ, as that common symbol that is synonymous for most, with kindness and understanding?
We should all leave bits of art and poetry dotted about our world. It is a cunning and humane idea. I used to cut out little poems and leave them at bus stops, I really should do that again. I think I will.
Lovingkindness in my pocket, lovingkindness at the gate, Baby Jesus and Little Buddha sifting sand. There's a grain that looks like me, there's a grain that looks like you.
Thanks Dave!
Hi Dave,
Thank you for visiting my blog recently. I've enjoyed browsing around your blog... quite varied and interesting!
Wishing you and yours a Very Merry Christmas!
"Remember, if Christmas isn't found in your heart, you won't find it under a tree."
~ Charlotte Carpenter.
Merry Christmas, Dave.
I put this story on my blog at the time, Dave (from The Times) but it has been greatly enhanced by your poem.
Happy Christmas.
I put this story on my blog at the time, Dave (from The Times) but it has been greatly enhanced by your poem.
Happy Christmas.
A true treasure for this season.
Beautifully written Dave. Bravo to the artist too - I agree with him completely.
Sorry I haven't been around much - lots happening health-wise.
A very Merry Christmas to you and your family Dave. Wishing you peace and joy in the new year.
I also like the idea of art being left around for folks to enjoy and maybe even pass it on.
Edward and I send you our wishes for a very Happy Christmas. I do so love coming here to read your work! All the best to you.
Sending you warm aloha!
I saw something about that on the English news a week or so back. They were very charming, as is your poem!
A very happy Christmas to you and yours, Dave.
Thanks - and a belated Christmas wish in return.
Absolutely. I found it quite inspiring.
A very small present, I fear - but my mum always taught me not to despise those!
Hope you're having a great time.
I don't know if he was Christian. I did some research on the web, but didn't succeed in unearthing that bit of information.
I think that a wonderful idea of yours, leaving short poems at bus stops etc. Poems on the Underground was a great success. It's the same thing in essence. I guess we should all do it now and again - or something like it.
Lovely words, Lyn. My thanks to you.
My visit was thanks enough.
And my bestw ishes to you and yours for what remains of the season and the new year.
Every Photo Tells a Story
A very apt - and very true - quote. Thank you.
Weaver of Grass
Yup, I'm a bit tardy that aways! I tend to file these things and tack them on to the end of the list of stuff in preparation, so when I do post they are no longer topical. My excuse this time was that Christmas was to make it seasonal. I don't know how I came to miss your post. I'm off now to have a looksee.
Thanks for that.
Thanks - and a great New year to you and yours. Hope the health picks up.
Yes, a brilliant idea.
Pamela, Terry and Edward
Much thanks and mine to you all for the rest of this season and the New Year.
Much appreciated - and returned.
And best wishes for the New Year to you and yours. Thanks.
Merry Christmas!
Thanks - and a really great New Year to you.
This is a really lovely idea for christmas. I wish there were more people doing things like this. I hope you had a lovely christmas and happy new year to you.
jo x
This was lovely.
A very quiet, but very enjoyable Christmas, thank you. Hope you enjoyed yours, too.
High Desert Diva
Much thanks
Thanks for the comment.
Hello Dave,
Only just reading this post - sorry!
I also had read about the artist's act in another place but your poem really does give it grace.
How beautiful. I'm just reading this now. How perfect.
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