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Wednesday, 9 October 2013
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Very sorry to hear this, Gavin. Although we never met in the flesh I regarded your father as a friend and a source of inspiration. I don’t know how much Dave shared with regard to his life online but here’s a poem I sent your dad when I learned how ill he was.
The Human Face
(for Dave King)
I can’t dredge up much
these days: names, dates,
places have lost
their meaning for me.
I can remember
some things, of course—
oh, trifling stuff that
won’t change the world.
Makes me wonder if
all that really
matters is what we
see reflected in the
the bathroom mirror.
Moments when we
were truly alive
all leave their mark—
the cartography
of a life lived
without compromise—
creases, wrinkles
and such splendid scars.
Sunday, 01 September 2013
thank you for letting us know...and i am sorry for your loss...and for our loss. he was a good man....smiles...
So sorry to read this tragic news, his talent was only surpassed by his grace, may he rest in peace.
Like Jim, Gavin, I regarded your father as a friend. We corresponded through blogging for several years. I am sure in his final months he got pleasure from this communicating with the world of blogging.
My thoughts are with you and your family as you come to terms with it all.
I'm so sorry to hear this. Dave was one of my first ever followers. He was such an amazing and prolific poet and leaves such a legacy.
I've been away from the blog world for a while, as much as I try to keep my own blog alive. Dave is one person I will never forget.
As you say Gavin, Dave was a good man. There is no better tribute.
Our hearts are breaking ... everyone who knew Dave here in this magic land of poetry loved him. We will miss him terribly.
Gavin - My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Your Dad was a wonderful man. I will miss his posts and his comments on my blog. He had a magical way with words and told such amazing stories.
Carl Stoveland
Dear Gavin, my sincere condolences.
Dave was a talented gentleman and he made a great impact here on the online world as I'm sure he did in every other sphere too.
Gavin, thank you for letting us know; and my condolences to your family. I'd followed Dave's poetry for the last several years, always looked forward to reading his poetry. And he was a faithful follower of mine as well. I often suggested to him that he make a book of his work. I hope now that he has passed you will consider doing just that. It would be a shame to just lose all of his valuable work. I respected Dave very much...as a man and as a poet. I am 100% sure he is now in a better place, but it doesn't make it easier....for any of us, as we are all mortal and following along the same path.
Mary / Wisconsin / USA
Mary is right... I hope his thoughts and manuscripts are cherished and preserved. He was there for me at a critical time of great loss and as more than poet his visions of others and life that in a way- (How modern a man that his light shows through) - despite the uncertainties of ink and form, (that his universe breaks through the cloaks of this medium)...one day you will find in the work vital clues to how he thought and loved, for those who wonder about such things and what their roots may be...who we are deep and alive to know ourselves.
Nothing can be said, no comforts for the reality of it, the heart of changes the event will leave in the long shadows... we go through the motions trying to understand at a distance as if his ghost hangs around awhile to cradle us so near.
We so fleeting and mortal...I just wanted to say to you I regarded him as family.
We share your loss Gavin! Dave was such an inspiration. I had always looked forward to his postings. He always came up with beautiful ones that one may have to google to find out more. It was an education and I learnt a lot reading his. You may have to pick up from the suggestion to have his legacy compiled. He was a wonderful friend!
My very sincere condolences.
Like many others here, although we did not meet in person I considered Dave a good friend. We commented on and critiqued each other's writings, we passed poems back and forth, and sometimes corresponded in poems.
I will miss Dave very much. His person, his writing, and his constant good cheer. I'm grateful for those times that he made me laugh when I really needed it. Thanks, Dave!
Best wishes, and be well.
I am very saddened to hear of Dave's passing, I was only thinking of him this morning.
I can truthfully say that he was one of my top favourite poets and I do hope you try to get his work published; he had such an amazing gift.
He was a follower of mine for many years and inspired me with every one of his poems. A nicer person would be very hard to find. A good man, as others have said.
Here is a poem which he inspired me to write a while ago. I would also like to write a new one in his memory and will post it just as soon as I have it ready. I shall miss him greatly.
There are many writers in cyberspace;
words flow like a proverbial, perpetual fountain but one poet- soul, a wise one,
who weaves his words with skill and feeling, said
that the shadows racing over sand were
thoughts that the land is having. I marvelled
at what seemed to me a revelation
for I live amidst mountains and am often
found watching shadows as they cross, soft-hued,
quiet and tender, covering and changing
the landscape in their wake, from dark to light,
from light to dark and back to light again.
Now I imagine the land’s emotions:
the wind is its anger, the sun is its
benevolence, the breeze a tease, the snow
its strong urge to hibernate and always,
always I shall see the rain as its tears.
From a penumbra in the poet’s mind,
something ghostly, insubstantial, half-glimpsed
and half-hidden, just an inkling of an idea
became pure poetry,transformed itself
and flew on a journey to me, through space,
reaching my mountainous place from the sea
inspiring me, from those thought-shadows in the sand.
Cait O’Connor
I shall think of Dave now whenever I see the passing of shadows; God rest him, his very special soul has moved on now.
Sometime in early autumn,
the tall tear trees wrap themselves
in wind and sunlight
now paling from summer's height,
thinner and complex,
bristles of a brush,
as though each leaf was endless.
Bones and blades and leaves. It seems
each brushstroke flicks out
past the page's defined edges
as though continued
past where the ink leaves
and subsumes itself in light,
much as we depart, unfinished
selves in the making.
Long strokes of wind make trees bow
low towards the sun.
I hear you smiling
out there somewhere in this light.
(for Dave King)
Your dad touched me very much with his great mind and heart.
We join you in celebrating him, and in missing him.
Seeing this blog updated Brought much friendly anticipation. Bless you and Dave. We sincerely share your grief.
Aloha from Honolulu
I'm glad you were here, Dave!
My heartfelt condolences for your loss - it is our loss, too. Dave was such a fine gentleman and contributed so greatly to our online poetry community. I admired him greatly. I, too, hope his work will be preserved and cherished. I love the poetic tributes to him here in the comments, which show how well thought of he was and is by all of us. Blessings to you and your family. Sherry/Vancouver Island/British Columbia
Dear Gavin, David's was the greatest voice I have come across on the internet in these years, I regret not to have been able to know him personally.
Dear Gavin. Thank you for letting us know. My heart goes out to you and your family. The world is diminished with his passing - but richer for his presence.
Gavin, I'm sorry for your loss. Thanks for telling us-- just last sunday I was thinking about him and thought I have to check his blog as he used to link his poems up with us at dVerse often on sundays around 12h my time over here in Germany. He was a Gentleman in the poetic blogworld and I really liked what shone through of his personality in his poems
Thank you for letting us know Gavin ~ Your father will be missed as his voice and words have been strong, vibrant & full of meaning ~ May he rest in peace ~
Grace, Toronto City ~
Gavin, thank you for sharing your sad news; my heart goes out to you and your family. Your dad was a gifted and generous poet, a keen observer, and a wry wit. His talent and especially his heart will be greatly missed. I am grateful for the small space in which our paths briefly crossed.
All best to you,
ds(deb), US
I am sad to hear this. Dave was so supportive of his poet friends, and he will truly be missed. I think Mary has a wonderful idea of printing his poems into a book. My condolences to all who loved him. Know he youched many.
Laurie~ Texas
David was a good friend, and I enjoyed his writings, online banter, and camaraderie. He will be dearly missed. My thoughts and prayers to all his family.
I cannot tell you how sad this makes me. Dave was such a wonderful writer and such an appreciative reader. He had a tremendous gift for portrait and story--his tales of his young life will long stick with me. He had a visual artist's keen sense of detail. I feel just so very very sad to get this news. Thanks for letting us know. Karin Gustafson.
it is always sad
when one of us leaves,may his
light shine forever
My sincerest sympathy to you Gavin and your family on your loss. Dave was an important cog in the poetry circuit wheel . He will be missed.
This really made me sad. Your loss is shared by a world of online poets. Davids visits and encouragements was important to so many including me. I had noticed his absence from dVerse and thought that it was time to see what had happened.. but then the news reached me.
I am very sorry and sad to learn that your dear father Dave King has passed away. I was only an online connection to him, but even with that I liked the man and his unique style with words.
His English charm and sense of humour, often made its way into his poems and stories.
I am thankful for the interaction I had with him and valued his comments very much.
I shall remember him and you in my prayers.
Eileen O'Neill
we will be holding a little online memorial for friends of dave from this virtual world later today 3 pm EST @ dversepoets.com ...i see quite a few of our poets have already dropped in with words...
know how much we appreciated your dad's presence in our lives....
Oh dear Imreally sorry I always enjoyed his comments in Brian's blog. We will miss him!
Dear Gavin, he really touched our hearts with his poetry. We will miss almost as you, I am sure.
He was a gentle gentleman, who touched us all through kindness.
Now he is gone and Winter has arrived.
There's no mistaking how it makes us feel:
We, poets from his words and company deprived,
show skeletons and outlines for this saddening scene.
Our Summer days with him have come and gone,
leaving his work in spider-spun chiffon
of webs with pearls of wit and wisdom keen.
All but a vague and tender memory of Spring,
from tattered flowers, pink and out of place,
to brownish remnants of stately 'Queen Anne's Lace',
are left us for our mourning hearts to sing,
while mind and soul his path of living Summer trace.
A gentle man indeed. Always a kind word. I really am sorry he had this cancer - but what a brave knight he was!
Thank you so much for letting us know Gavin.
I cannot tell you how saddened I am to hear this sad news.
Dave was such an incredibly talented writer, and was a huge inspiration to me. I will miss him terribly.
I do hope you will leave his blog open for others to read. So much of his personality is in there.
Please accept my deepest sympathy for your great loss. I really feel for you all xxx
Gavin, I am very sad to hear this. I always enjoyed your father's wit, poetry and kindness.
There were many times that his comments really made my day. A real loss of a good person and poet.
My deepest condolences
I am so sorry and very saddened to hear your dad has passed away Gavin, and I know he will be sadly missed by all of us who admired and loved him and his very unique and wonderful poetry.
My thoughts are with you and your family.
Gavin, I'm so sorry to hear of this. I hold great respect for him as a poet and a person. I'm working on a poem in his honor. Victoria
So sorry to hear this news
I will miss his comments to all
and of course his poetry
He was a generous man of words
Such heartbreaking news. I am so sorry for your family's loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
~ Jen in WA State
Your father's comments on my own writing, and his daily poetry inspired me more than I shall ever know how to tell you.
Know that your father's words, his heart and soul bared for us, have cast ripples round the world. I hope that you take comfort eventually in all of this and I hope that you will publish his work.
I do believe that there are few among us who followed his blog who would not want such a book.
May you find peace and comfort. I loved him. How could we NOT love him, those of us who knew him only through this blog.
Take care
I'm so sorry, Gavin. Your father was (I can't believe I'm using the past tense) one of the finest poets I've ever read. It was a privilege to get to know him, albeit in this impersonal virtual world we inhabit. I featured one of his poems once and I will put it up again this Sunday. You must be so proud to have had a father like Dave. He will be missed.
Please, extend my condolences to the rest of your family.
Dave was forever kind, generous in his online interactions, as I imagine he was in person. The memories we all have of his immense kindness is a wonderful legacy. Dave will be missed.
This world is the way
for the other, which is purple
without regret.
We start when we are born,
walk while living,
and we
while fenecemos;
so when we die
Jorge Manrique (Coplas por la muerte de su padre)
I am so sorry for your loss. Didn't know your dad but it's obvious from the many tributes and comments that he was much loved and by so many readers online too.
Thank you for giving us the news. He was a lovely poet and lovely man.
I echo the idea of making a book of his poetry. Of course, that is for the future; right now you have more immediate things to cope with. If you do decide to do it, please sing out if you need help, as there is a lot of expertise in this community.
I do also hope you will leave his blog up as an archive.
Gavin and family ~
Our poetry community has dedicated this page & words to Dave
Although I did not regularly follow Dave King's blog, he occasionally commented on mine, and I knew about him, of course, and read him, through the agency of our wonderful and intimate blogworld. I have just reread some of his poetry, and realise once again what a talented writer he was. My heartfelt commiserations to all his family, and I'm sure his literary, human and cyber legacy will live on.
Poets United, another group of which Dave was a part, has also prepared a tribute to Dave.
I am sorry to hear of your great loss. Dave had a strong presence in the poetry community and his words will be missed by many.
Peace & Light
my deepest condolences Gavin. A true gent and a wonderful poet both supportive and constructive, Dave will be greatly missed among the poetry/blog community.
A gentle man with a generous spirit and so talented! We will miss him~
Poet and blogging friend: we will all miss you.
My sympathy to you Gavin, and to all his family.
Poet and blogging friend: we will all miss you.
My sympathy to you Gavin, and to all his family.
i shall miss your father
he was there
when i had no place else to go
or lost my nerve
to wordsmith my heart
and let it flow
i shall miss your father
that's deep enough
but not as deep as your father's thoughts
Dear Gavin,
I am so sorry for your loss.
We loved him out here. He made my days brighter with his comments and I will remember his poetry, too.
Dear Gavin,
I am so sorry for your loss.
We loved him out here. He made my days brighter with his comments and I will remember his poetry, too.
I am so sorry for your lost, prayers go out to you and your family I may not have known Dave personally, but I've see him so often on so many blogs, people loved him. My sincere sympathy to you and yours....
Thank you for letting us know about your father. I haven't been in the poetry world for a while, but Dave was such a supportive person when I did write. And a fabulous poet! He has left quite a legacy here...
I know these messages may be hard to read for awhile. It takes some healing to go back and read the condolences and sympathy cards. Many of us at dVerse have linked poems about Dave in memory of how he touched our lives, and interacted with us. If you can keep his blog up so that others may find his fine poems and as others have said, try to get his work published for future generations.
Not only was he a fine, wise, and gentle man, he had deep insight and a genuine talent for this art form.
My condolences to his loved ones whenever you read this. The sting of death never leaves, but little by little other loves come to sit in the cavity of loss.
I know these messages may be hard to read for awhile. It takes some healing to go back and read the condolences and sympathy cards. Many of us at dVerse have linked poems about Dave in memory of how he touched our lives, and interacted with us. If you can keep his blog up so that others may find his fine poems and as others have said, try to get his work published for future generations.
Not only was he a fine, wise, and gentle man, he had deep insight and a genuine talent for this art form.
My condolences to his loved ones whenever you read this. The sting of death never leaves, but little by little other loves come to sit in the cavity of loss.
Dear Gavin, I read in the comments about a possible book of your father's poems. That would be marvellous. Good for poetry and most of all the greatest way to remember him. If it happens it will be published please write about it in this blog. I will check regularly.
How very sad it is to read of Dave’s passing.
His gentle poetry was an inspiration for so many of us.
My sincere condolences. Words fail...
I am left speechless. More than a couple of time Dave commented on my work, and gave me such encouragement. Words fail now, so true.
Beloved in print. Your father's spirit shines through always.
I did not know your dad nor did I had the opportunity to visit his blogs.
I did though see some of his comments in blogs I visit, he was always so kind and gracious in his comments.
I can see from all the people that have left a comment here, he was greatly admired and loved.
May the memory of your father always be a blessing.
I am sorry for your loss!
He was a true poet.
Sincere condolences. I appreciated Dave's poetry very much.
I am so sorry for your and your family's loss, Gavin. Please know that through his words, your dad built a tremendous community whose legacy will continue to bear fruit.
May his memory always be a blessing, and may his words always inspire.
Your dad and I have been leaving comments on each others' blogs for several years. He was a kind, compassionate man whose poetry touched me very deeply. He sent me a story in poem that I published at BEAT to a PULP (my webzine) a few years back. I will re-run it next week in tribute. My condolences to you and your family.
Sorry to hear that. He will be missed.
I thought of you yesterday Dave as I hiked along a stream with my camera. I smiled when I thought of all your wonderful comments about my water photos. You inspired me and urged me to keep improving my art in the kindest ways. I will miss seeing your comments on my blog!
So sorry to hear about your Dad.
Dave inspired so many of us in his gentle and kind manner.
Please keep this blog open so others can be filled with his words.
I extend my sincerest condolences in the loss of your father whose poems delighted me for many years. I think I started following his blog about 7 years ago.
He was so apt of phrase and altogether a true poet.
He will be sorely missed.
I wonder if it is possible to get a book of his poems?
I would treasure it if one were available.
Warmest wishes from New York.
I have today posted a blog in memory of Dave here.
My condolences on your loss, Gavin. I never met Dave in person but he was an inspiration.
So sorry for your loss. I so enjoyed reading your father's work and the visits he made to my blog.
Still thinking of Dave daily with sadness and gratitude
I agree with Cloudia. I half expect to see his comments on my blog everyday. I miss communicating with him about art and poetry. He was a fine poet and an even better friend.
I am so very sorry to read this post about Dave's passing. He was a gentleman and friend and gave great encouragement to me regarding my writing/poems. He will be greatly missed. My condolences to your family.
So sorry for your loss.
I am so sad to hear this and am sorry for your great loss.....Your father was an amazing writer and poet, and he will be greatly missed here in the blogosphere. :-(
Dave was a good companion in this strange world of detached intimacy. Although we never met, he was one of those e-contacts with whom I knew it would have been as rewarding to share real space. He was a generous and diligent supporter of my poetry and a damn fine poet too. I shall miss his presence here. I wish you comfort from these tributes and from those that you will have received from all who knew him in the flesh.
Dave was a good companion in this strange world of detached intimacy. Although we never met, he was one of those e-contacts with whom I knew it would have been as rewarding to share real space. He was a generous and diligent supporter of my poetry and a damn fine poet too. I shall miss his presence here. I wish you comfort from these tributes and from those that you will have received from all who knew him in the flesh.
Just now learned of your father's passing. My deepest sympathies to the family- he was such a gentle man with his poetry and supportive comments.
so sad to hear this news..... Dave followed my blog, and often left comments. Thoughts and prayers to you, his family and friends.
so sad to hear this news..... Dave followed my blog, and often left comments. Thoughts and prayers to you, his family and friends.
Very sorry to hear about David. My thoughts and prayers are with you, his family. He was a talented blogger and a great poet. Very encouraging about the work of other bloggers too.
I have only just learnt of your father's death and am greatly saddened by it. He had a rare talent and a self-deprecating humour. Thank you for letting us know. He brightened many lives, I know.
I can only echo the hopes of others here that a book of his work will be published - I suspect more than one volume will be needed.
i am so sorry to hear about this. a blog friend Rick Baker told me about the news. me and your father follows each other constantly.
May he rest in peace!
Very late, we'd not had blogging contact for some years and I've only just heard, but still the news was a shock. A kind, courteous gifted and cultivated man, sincerest condolences.
So sorry to hear that... may his soul rest in peace... I was away from blogger for some time and for last few weeks I did not see any updates from Dave King and no comments on my blog as he was very punctual so i visited his page and here i saw this most tragic news of his demise :(
May his soul rest in peace.... my condolences with all his family and friends over there...
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My deepest sympathy to you and your family, Gavin.
I am sure your dad is now reading one of his beautiful poems to our Lord.
He IS still with us in his beautiful words.
For a good writer never dies.
My deepest sympathy to you and your family, Gavin.
I am sure your dad is now reading one of his beautiful poems to our Lord.
He IS still with us in his beautiful words.
For a good writer never dies.
Thinking of You, Dave:
"How nourishing may Heaven's dishes be
and how very toxic Hell's,
though they boast the same ingredients
and work from the same recipes,
and how both are born of mankind's muck and muddle,
the fecundity of human thought and strife,
the clatter and the clutter
of the pans of old ideas
and the sprinklings and the stirrings of the new:-"
Dave King
Hello there. I wanted to say that months later as I sit .. attempting to write, I often think of your father .. a feeling of calm comes over me and the world rights itself. We all miss him terribly, I know you do as well.
Helen Dehner
Checking in on David's poetry again Gavin. I always enjoyed his take on life through his writings. His last poem was one of great strength, which fortifies the belief that success in life comes when we lose our fears and can finally embrace death. Only a clear conscious of a good man can achieve that, and I think your father was right there.....
Checking in on David's poetry again Gavin. I always enjoyed his take on life through his writings. His last poem was one of great strength, which fortifies the belief that success in life comes when we lose our fears and can finally embrace death. Only a clear conscious of a good man can achieve that, and I think your father was right there.....
I worried about his absence from his blogging, and I'm discouraged by his passing...It was sometimes difficult for me a Japanese to figure out the English sophisticated lines of his poet, still I loved to read them including his heartful recomment. So sorry for this reality.
Dave and his poems are still in my thoughts.
Good morning .. Spring is here and Dave's spirit seems particularly close today ... Miss him.
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Thinking about you today, Dave. Had to stop by Pics and Poems and read your last post again. Miss you, friend.
rest in peace
I can't believe it has been almost a year my friend. I think of you often and wonder what you'd be writing if you were still here. I miss seeing your name in the comments on my blog...
A very good person.May his soulrest in peace.Ameen
Just revisiting Dave's beautiful poetry. Miss him and hope you, his family, are well. k. (Karin Gustafson in New York State.)
Rest in peace, Dave was one of my followers.
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sorryto hear that ....may his soul rest in peace ...
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Not Forgotten 🙏🏾🙏🏽🌹
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