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Great patterns - I was really struggling to work out what the fourth one was (aside from a very striking image) until I saw the last pictures.
Getting on to my 'to cook for' list really only requires you to visit the Cotswolds... you wouldn't be the first visitor from the world of blogging, and anyone with interesting thoughts & conversations is always welcome here.
Coming to your blog has me looking at the world at a slant. Thank you.
I can see something about the way you think! ..in the way you see.
I wish I could capture the impressionist paintings I see everyday. Will have to use the Rhythm of the light words.
Hi Dave,
Nice doodahs! I particularly like 4 and 5.
Wow, I love these, great pics, especially the more "abstract" ones.
You help us see sideways and upsidedown.
Never my strongest subject at school, Dave - but I must say that if it had been taught using the kind of patterns and shapes you exhibit in these photos, I may have been much better at it.
Wow!!! great photo images.
Crazy geometric patterns. Quite jarring. Nearly flung me off my chair looking for a simple line or shape.
Love the pictures of the ship and the dock.
Fantastic - I love them all especially no 4 - I had to enlarge that one for extra viewing!
The amazing symmetries, of images here as opposed to words attest to your photographic skills as well as your literary ones.
What an eye for detail.
Striking, Dave!
Aloha, Friend
Comfort Spiral
Very nice work, Dave....:)
I have always loved geometry and, of these #5 is my favourite. As school I loved playing with compasses and set squares and often made huge symmetrical designs. One was so big it filled the entire back wall of the classroom and I had to enlist the whole class's help in colouring it in.
Thanks for the kind comments - and the invitation. You make it sound even more tepting than before. I can just imagine...
I'm in a quandary now - I have just been reading about Mondrian and what he thought about slants! Thanks for the comment.
That is actually an interesting thought you've raised - the connection between the way one sees and thought. Thanks for that, you've set me thinking.
Thanks for that.
Yes, they are my prefernce, too.
And what images that conjures up! Thanks.
I have for many years now regretted that fractal geometry was not around when I was at school.
Thanks Stephen.
I am very glad it was only nearly.
Thanks for the comment and Welcome.
The hard part is knowing which details to leave out.
Thanks also.
You remind me of my special study working for my diploma. It was on the development of the self-image. I decided to illustrate my thoughts with a flow chart oshowing its development in a fictitious character. By the time I had finished, the flow chart covered the back wall of the lecture room. You were luckier with your classmates. I just got comments like Where do you change for Wigan? and I know that bit, it's just ourside Glasgow Central!
Cor, the first photo is a beauty, dave!
I loved all the others but that first one is a mix of geometry and visual poetry. Many thanks.
Greetings from London.
I am finishing The Glass Room Dave, great work, looking at these beautiful photos I understand why you liked it.
I am reminded of A. A. Milne and shall be on the look out for bears in case anyone treads on the lines, instead of in the squares.
Your photos are wonderful kaleidoscope images. They are so dynamic, much like your writing. Thanks for sharing the symmetry Dave!
I like your angle!
Although I dislike boats I like very much these skewed images.
Apologies for being absent of late - so little blogging time and so much research to get through. I do very much enjoy your blog and I think your "Poem as Screenplay is wonderful" and what struck me about both these posts is the quality of your editing. It would have been so easy to have added much more but what you have shown is just right. You know just when to call "cut".
Great images, especially number five. Makes me feel dizzy just looking at it.
Great images. Tell me more about the top one.
An excellent set, Dave. The first one is particularly striking.
A Cuban in London
Many thanks for the comments. I particularly appreciated the one about visual poetry.
That sounds like a very profound remark. It is certainly a pleasing one. Thanks.
What an inspirational lot, my blogger friends are! How X inspires Y never ceases to surprose me. Your comments are a case in point. Many thanks.
I thought for a moment you had written "angel"!
That is a really lovely cmment. Much thanks for it, it is much appreciated.
Madame DeFarge
I did have moments of dizziness, myself!
It was a simple shot of the ship taken from the Lido deck. I popped it in my graphics programme (a cheapie - can't aford Photo shop or anything like it) and placed a weave pattern over it. The result was what you see. Simple as that! Thanks for the interest.
Thanks Dick. The first is my favourite - and seems that chimes with the general view.
Wonderful photos--love the patterns.
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