His day of destiny; the wire
stretched taut above the square.
A fall, an end, might magnify
his life from some perspectives.
Not from his. He would lament
the imperfection, the inadequate technique.
Meanwhile, our world is frozen,
turned to stone. Up there is life
incomprehensible, foretold
in his self-image. All his days
he's walked a wire of some sort,
for the most part, privately, but here exposure
is the object of the game:
the square is his theatre,
the world a place to stretch a wire,
to walk a skyway; never
a part of our lives - save
the moment when a gust excites, disturbs,
ruffles leaves and hair, and brings
the crowd to life. He pauses,
stands insouciant, then sways
as to a distant band; moves
on once more, the poise regained
that was not lost, except we thought it so.
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But we so rarely look up!
Lovely piece, Dave.
True, and not just us. I remember reading that when training dogs for the blind the hardest bit of all is to train them to look up, to notice that an obstruction they can pass beneath is too low for their master or mistress.
I like your blog!...Daniel
Some amazing things to see when we do look up. I tend to look down so much. For practical reasons like not tripping and falling, also have found lots of money over the years by looking down as I walk. But by golly, when I look up it is a thrill.
how did you capture that vertiginous breath-holding so well?
I gave up construction due to a fear of heights.
mmm... this ia a gorgeous write...yeah a lot to be seen when we raise our eyes...great to see you over at one stop david...
Learned a new word...insouciant. Our perspectives are exactly that...our perspectives...those who ascend to freedom rarely think of the ones who watch in fear.
Our lives often seem just like that -- walking a wire, way high up, with no safety net underneath. And then we hear the music begin to play.
Good poem.
"the world a place to stretch a wire,
to walk a skyway; never
a part of our lives - save
the moment when a gust excites, disturbs,"
I enjoy the perspectives taken in your poem—says a great deal about the performer, as well as the audience. Solid. Well written.
One of those activities Dave (rather like the Grand National) that I can only watch through my fingers as it is so scary. Good poem though.
You have captured well the amazing, balancing act... stretching a wire, never a part, yet so often seems like we are there... well done write.
All his days
he's walked a wire of some sort,
for the most part, privately, but here exposure
This bit is my favorite. This was the link that put me in his shoes out on that wire.
Well done.
Beautiful certitude of imagery and movement in this poem. A captivating read. xj
We all walk a wire of some sort, don't we, Dave? Nicely stated.
And such an act it is...one we all know, one we all walk. Delightful narration, and an intriguing perspective piece...one that provides a characterization not only of the character at the heart of the piece, but of those watching, reading as well...a well-composed piece.
Very vivid and scary imagery in respect to the possibility of falling off the wire and ending up splattered all over the landscape :-).
how to oil paint
Welcome and much thanks to you.
My daughter-in-law, coming out of a football ground on Saturday, failed to look down, didn't see the hole in the pavement because of the crowd ahead of her, and fell down it.
I hadn't realised I had. Thanks for telling me. Useful stuff!
Brian Miller
Welcome and thanks. Yes, a bit late at One-stop. Will try to do better this week.
A warm welcome to you. Thanks for the visit. Excellent point you bring out there. Something to mull over. Much thanks.
Good to have you visiting. I like the observation. So true. Thanks for it.
Many thanks for the visit and comment. Useful feedback, much appreciated.
The Weaver of Grass
Yes, I take the analogy with The Grand National - especially after this year's one. Reminds me of my son when small watching scary videos from behind the sofa.
Thanks for another useful and supportive comment.
I think I know what you mean. Thinking back to Weaver's comment, I can identify with the high wire walker - and most circus personalities - but I don't want to be drawn in too close.
Lovely comment, for which much thanks. Good to have you visiting. Welcome to you.
We do indeed. Thanks for that.
Chris G
Welcome, Chris and thanks for visiting - and for a very thoughtful response which is much appreciated.
Yes,exactly. Like the old joke: Aren't you afraid of walking on that wire? No, I'm afraid of walking off it!
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