than I was when I was far more visible than I am now. Furthermore, numerous kind -- and tactful -- fellow bloggers have given me opportunity to tell why, and although I have been very moved by your concerns, I have mostly not answered them, certainly not adequately. So time is, I think, to give some indication of what is going on.
In March of last year I was diagnosed with terminal prostrate cancer, the tumour having already spread to various bony bits. I was put on a course of hormone therapy, and for a while this worked splendidly. Then the tumour went out of control and spread to my liver and into the bowel. It was at this time that I haemorrhaged and was hospitalized for six days, having various scans and blood transfusions and so on. Next week I start a course of radio therapy and may disappear from the scene completely for a while -- or maybe not!
It is not that I am too ill to work, or anything like that, though reading anything longer than poem length becomes an effort at times. Meanwhile, your blogs are a vital part of what keeps me going! Thank you all so much. I have no plans to drop completely off the radar in the immediate future or to do so without a hint of some kind in the future.
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Oh Dave. I am so sorry, and my thoughts are with you and yours.
So sorry Dave! Keep at it, Sir!
hugs brother. i am sorry for the diagnosis...cancer has touched the lives of my family it stings for me...i am glad for when you are here man, i def appreciate you....
"Oh shit!" is my first un-lady like response. It might have been yours as well. I will await your return.
Sending positive energy from the other side of the ocean my friend.
Dave, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Always glad to see a poem from you in your unique style. You're a fine poet and wise!!
Dave, I am very sorry to hear this. Keep reading and thinking positive.
Oh Dave, my heart truly goes out to you. I understand the suffering, both physical and emotional, of being diagnosed with cancer, as three members of my family have suffered it.
Above all, never give up hope.
I am sending all the positive energy I can muster, and will continue to do so every day.
Your fine poetry will be greatly please come back to us soon...xx
So sorry and sad Dave. Many positive thoughts and loadsa hugs sent your way.
Kind regards
Anna :o]
I can't imagine a more respected or loved poet, man, father, husband, citizen of the world ~~~ than you! We are all pulling for you, Dave!
please email your home address to me at
We are all terminal. My hope for you is that there is not too much discomfort, please keep writing your insightful, brilliant poems that buoy every reader, IF you can. You have so much impact on readers, you know. Everyone loves you! I do!
I read this with much sadness at the suffering you must have been going through in the past few weeks. As you know I am well versed with Cancer and know that nothing is always as it seems - remain strong and positive throughout this latest treatment. We will await your fine work and look forward to when you are back with us once more. I wish you peace.
I read this with much sadness at the suffering you must have been going through in the past few weeks. As you know I am well versed with Cancer and know that nothing is always as it seems - remain strong and positive throughout this latest treatment. We will await your fine work and look forward to when you are back with us once more. I wish you peace.
Dave, I am so sorry to hear this - and so very glad you shared how it is for you, so we can keep you in our thoughts and prayers, and keep an eye on you from all around the cyberworld. I so admire the work you have put in, making your work accessible to us all - our writing is our legacy and you have created an amazing body of work, with your unique spirit and worldview. I hope the treatment is helpful and buys you more time. You are a wonderful and admirable gentleman, and we so appreciate you. Take very good care of yourself. We will all be thinking of you. Thanks for all you have contributed to us through your writing, and for the poems and commentaries we have yet to read.
Dave, I have been thinking. I also hope your wife knows your sign in ...... and I would wish that she would be able to let us know how you are doing if there is a long time you are doing poorly. You have some good friends here in the blogosphere. We do care.
Bugger. Nothing much I can say that hasn't already been said. We, the blogfolk, are thinking of you, care for you and are hoping for the best for you. Do what you need to do, we'll hold our breath and wish the best outcomes, from the sidelines.
I'm sorry about your failing health Dave and hope things work out for you and your family ~ Please don't worry about visiting, we understand the situation ~
You are have gifted us with your fine writing these years ~ Hope you will let us know how you are doing ~
Take care ~
Dear Dave; Was walking along this am thinking of your Original Dancing Bear poem, of how sympatico you are, how skilled. . .
We walk on crumbling ground, dear, all of us. So I'll just send you my agape, my prayers, and sweet thoughts.
Thanks for educating, befriending, and delighting me.
Till laters, Bro
Fond ALOHA from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
oh dave - i'm sorry to hear this - wishing you much strength for the therapy and i do hope we see you around as often as you think you can make it - thanks for the openness as well
Yet again,thank you all so much for your kind wishes, thoughts, prayers and relections -- enough, I believe, to keep me positive in the days ahead, which I do believe I have managed thus far. I have read them all several times, but feel a little too full to reply to them all individually just now, and so hope you will excuse me that, but be assured every one is very much cherished. Thank you all.
I knew something was wrong, Dave, but didn't want to pry. I wish you the best of luck with the treatment. It's at moments like this that the cyber-face becomes a real face, with a human build.
My best wishes to you, your families and your many fellow bloggers and readers who enjoy your beautiful, humourous and thought-provoking poems.
Greetings from London.
Despite the fact that I hardly post in my own journal any more, I continue to read yours and be moved and touched by your intellect and passion. Your writing has inspired me for many years now. Take care of yourself, and know that you are being supported by those of us who have been touched by your words.
Brian'll be fine sir... i know... your guardian angel has whispered it to me... just know there are many of us who think the world of you... and hey, i've written a few words to cheer you up, somehow.... be well soon... be well... smiles...
OH Dave...Hang in there! You are an important part of the poet blogging scene. I am glad blogging gives you comfort and hopefully a few laughs occasionally.We are all crossing our fingers for you. Take care!
Only just saw this post, alerted by Kelvin's lovely poem to you, which I hope you are able to read. I have very much appreciated your presence in my poetic life! I shall take the liberty of sending you some Reiki energy to help with all this.
Don't quite know what to say, but think about it every day.Your company is pricelss to us all, so tell them that when they treat you.
I wish you all the best, Dave. I will be posting some of your poetry on Independent Poetry Society ( ) in your honor and providing my readers and contributors a link to your blog. I normally seek a poet's permission to do so and I had sent you an email but I understand these are tough circumstances for you. I hope you're doing well and please know that you have fans from all over rooting for your quick recovery.
Sorry I am late to this Dave. I am sorry to hear your news. I have suffered myself so know just a little of what you are going through. Keep writing, keep reading, you actually are my favourite poet and I mean that.
Sending hugs and healing vibes as I know all of your readers are.xx
Dear Dave,
I had not read this post before but I had a sense that something difficult was going on. I am so very sorry to hear of your illness. My father had prostrate cancer. Even the hormone therapy can be extremely tiring, I know.
Good luck with all of your treatments. Do not feel obligated to return visits! You are a wonderful writer and I hope you have the energy to continue. With the very warmest regards. Karin Gustafson (Manicddaily)
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