Caitlin Moran in yesterday's Times cried Goodbye, cruel world. I'm off to live on the internet. Not for me, such luxuries. My cry is Adieu Fair web, I'm off to re-engage with the unpalatable real world. Or maybe it will prove neither cruel nor unpalatable. I shall write more on that anon.
For now I remember how I used to speculate as a boy about what it would be like to be one of those medieval monks who contrived to get themselves walled up in some monastry or castle for some grave crime or sin. I am beginning to find out. I am almost there. There remains a chink in the growing wall of boxes, books, small items of furniture and other portable artefacts from downstairs, a chink just large enough to squeeze through. But not for much longer. Any moment now the electrician and the decorator will arrive to begin the ground floor's makeover. Then the invasion of my small junk room-cum-study-cum-computer room will be complete. I must retreat to saner areas, vanish from the internet before I vanish from the physical world completely. Fare thee well, oh friendly web! Adieu good friends for the space of half a moon at the most - or so I have been reliably informed by the decorator using his well-polished trust me, I'm a builder tone of voice.
But not all is lost. I have scheduled posts to appear, almost as normal, though at intervals a day or so greater than my usual, and I hope to see any comments left, though alas, I doubt I will get to answer them.
So trust me, I'm a blogger: I shall return!.
Farewell good friends.
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Looking forward to your scheduled blogs - enjoy your break away!
See you Dave, I'm sure all will go well. Trust me, I'm a clairvoyant.
Hope all goes well with the refurb. I too look forward to your scheduled postings.
Hang in there Dave. You can get thru a few weeks without the web. We'll miss you and your comments... but will be all the happier with your return and stories of the construction.
I hate to see you go, but I'll tell you a secret: when I was forced off the Internet for a while, I found I started enjoying my freedom. I hope you enjoy your time away. I'm certain you'll gather kindling for the fire you'll light when you come back!
Have a great adventure in reality. Yes, you will probably return...but if you do so, return because you want to, not because you feel guilty about leaving us.
Have a great adventure in reality. Yes, you will probably return...but if you do so, return because you want to, not because you feel guilty about leaving us.
Sounds like travel to me. Don't let any pile of books fall on your head.
I think a break from it all could be a kind of gift too.
My creative writing/blogging space sounds just like yours. We could be in the same room and not even know it!
Thanks for stopping by to visit when you were, or will be, in the blog neighborhood!
Enjoy your time away--& hope the remodeling goes according to schedule!
Will look for your scheduled posts....don't be too long now!
Only hope your builder's promises are more reliable than our plumber's (as my sister used to say - promises like piecrusts - we have a wonderful wet room with no shower at present. Keep calm Dave - rise above it - I promise you (cyber-friend promise not builder) the day will come when you will sit in your newly furbished room and glow with pleasure (honest!)
But, but, but...
Dave, enjoy your time away from taptaptapping- I thought I would need to do the same, we have a flood in our downstairs, caused by rhody roots and torrents of rain. I couldn't tolerate the thought of being unplugged, however, and am still tap tapping on a pile of rubble! A true addict!
good luck with it all.
Adieu, adieu to you! Renovation is never an easy place to go ~ I know!
Survive the renovation, will look for your scheduled posts and eagerly await your return to the 'net world!
Taking a break can be a wonderful thing. I hope you can return to blogging refreshed, with new perspective and ideas to share.
I'm not familiar with this U.K ritual of autumnal decorating. A few blog-mates from your neck of the woods have disappeared at this time as well. Some Canadians and Americans took Summer off, btw, and the rest of us will go South for part of the Winter starting next month.
I'm glad to know your absence is temporary., I'll have to go to the streets for my fix, and their stuff will not be as pure. It will be diluted, cut with trivia, watered down with drivel. My virtual veins may collapse from dull, dirty needled notions. Aaaargh......
Dear Dave, I am unwaveringly waiting for you here in this less real but all the same so real world which all the same very well manages to tell us that nothing disappears.
Sadly, the noise and upheaval of building chaos rarely contribute much to the efforts of good writing. Decorating efforts always seem to be worth it in retrospect, though.
I like the idea of a monkish blogger. I've had days away from the computer and I feel that I will never catch up; unless, perhaps, I can endeavor to be walled up in my study for some days.
A break away sounds interesting, but scheduled posts?? how intriguing that one could plan ahead the thoughts they would wish to share on a future day... Hope the refurbishing goes well and enjoy your time away!
Good luck back in the world of treeware and the Bell telephone, Dave. We look forward to reading your accounts of analogue life when you return in a couple of weeks.
Hope all goes well in the real world. I sympathise, as I have to sit several accountancy exams over the next few months and can't think in words anymore. Looking forward to your return.
I hope all turns out well, and that you don't go through blog-reading withdrawal!
I am definitely an internet person.....truthfully I also love being around a lot of people. But if I am not with people...I am on my compputer talking to my internet friends. :)
My wish for you is to enjoy your break. Get your computer room looking spiffy, everything in it's place and a place for everything. You will be missed if you decide not to come back but follow your heart and your happiness.
good luck with the electricians and decorators, experience says you'll need it. and i look forward to your return in half a moon.
you can't mean it!
Come over here, I'll make room for you and your trusty computer in my airing cupboard, or maybe even the shed.
See you soon, and since when did anyone trust the proposed "time frame" (horrid term) promised by a man who comes and does things?
Hi Dave,
Make the most of your freedom! We shall be waiting.
Dave - I've always enjoyed your visits and comments. A half-moon at most away is not like a half-life. . . not at all like that. have a good time away.
Good Luck with your decorating Dave. I sincerely hope all goes well, we always seem to be doing something here at "Hemingway" but change I feel, helps keep one young. Don't vanish for too long though - how will we all learn?
Good luck Dave! Hope to see you back soon and looking forwarded to your scheduled posts!
Dave! Nooooooooooo!
My friend hired a renovator and was never seen from again. The work begun over a year ago is still going on. I hope you've scheduled hundreds of posts, or else I fear we shall all go into withdrawal while you are away.
"Half a moon," my foot. We'll be lucky if we see you in half a year.
Despairingly yours,
To All
A very heartfelt thanks to all who have commented, many clairvoyantly, as it turned out. Titus claiming to be one, was spot on. I only wish I had availed myself of his gift beforehand. Karen, Bagman and Butler, Rachel and Conda were also all on the mark, but for elucidation of that you must await my first post-adventure post. Friko: so sorry I couldn't make it to your brrom cupboard! Kasscho, a very warm welcome indeed. Now I shall begin to tap out the next post! Thanks again.
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