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Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Larger than life

A Magpie Tales Tale.

Larger than life
that's how I like 'em
women of mine
gotta be larger than life!

I wanna climb in through those eyes
splash around in them big, limpid pools
drown in the vitreous humour
of a woman larger than life.

The ultimate prize
of lost in those eyes
floundering somewhere
out of this world.

I could spin like the earth round her sun
and all the four seasons would come
each in its turn, to freeze or to burn
with a woman much larger than life.

Can't take her all in
not in one go
but that's how I like it
larger, much larger than life.

Would you look at those brows
trimmed straight as two dies
never arched in surprise
stern as they come and cool as her lies.

Larger than life

that's how I like 'em
women of mine
gotta be larger than life!


David Cranmer said...

"Larger than life." Amen.

Jinksy said...

Loved the fourth stanza! But all the others were great as well, so no real contest. LOL :)

jabblog said...

I like the energy of this piece.

Carl said...

great movement and energy. I loved this one.

Daydreamertoo said...

They are beautiful eyes, aren't they!
Great imagery and capture of the pic in words. :)

izzy said...

Vitreous humor indeed- acidic to the nth! Love the Alice in wonderland take- :)

Lyn said...

I did expect "brilliant" from you, and you didn't disappoint...careful Dave, someone might fool you one of these days! ha ha...

Other Mary said...

This makes me :o)

I want to go to a pub and hear this sung with great gusto by several slightly pissed baritones!

Mary said...

Clever response to this prompt, Dave.

Brian Miller said...

I could spin like the earth round her sun
and all the four seasons would come
each in its turn, to freeze or to burn
with a woman much larger than life.

this makes me smile...you know i never want to get to the end of understanding my one...

ds said...

Love this! That fourth stanza is so elegant--drowning in the vitreous humour, so perfect. Thank you, sir.

Jenne' R. Andrews said...

Haha! Brilliant-- you really ought to pay me a visit, Dave-- wonderful romp--;) ... xxj

Tommaso Gervasutti said...

Powerful Dave. This time the echoes in your poem are definitely metaphysical, John Donne's soul breathing through them.

Windsmoke. said...

Definitely larger than life because there's more to cuddle :-).

Elephant's Child said...

Just great. Thanks.

Cloudia said...

You are QUITE a man!

Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral

>< } } ( ° >

Wander said...

Thanks for sharing this I like the final stanza best...



Wander said...

Thanks for sharing this I like the final stanza best...



Misterio Vida said...

amazing as usual... :) i liked the four seasons part :)

Manicddaily said...

A little scary! But a type one recognizes. K.

Dave King said...

Thanks everyone

Unfortunately I'm running out of time again, so a big thank you to all who have offered comments.
To thise of you who are new visitors to my blog, a very warm welcome.

From those comments, please forgive me if on this occasion I pick on one:- the Other Mary's.
I've had some potentially bad news this morning and she echoes my feeling exactly.

"I want to go to a pub and hear this sung with great gusto by several slightly pissed baritones!"

Little Nell said...

Oh dear, sorry to come in on a bad news day, but let me cheer you up by saying how much I enjoyed this. Larger than life says it all, and I love that he’s bragging about how he likes his women - I think however, he doth protest too much as ‘little’ men often do. Brilliant.

Lady In Read said...

like Little Nell said - here is my attempt for sunshine on a gray day - really enjoyed reading this - larger than life it is.

Ygraine said...

This is an absolute masterpiece, Dave.
I have read it five times already, and will read it many more!
Really love it :)

Anonymous said...

Dave, you are very confident. i admire a man who wants a woman
who is fully ON.

Silent Otto said...

Spinning like a planet round her sun " , thats pretty much how it is for me ! Great poem.