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Sunday, 5 February 2012

The Weeping Willow

The way it craves the river is well known.
Here though, on waterless terrain
persistence in its search for moisture leads
to form, the shape and feel of water -
there from the beginning in its name.

I look at it sometimes, imagining
I'm looking at its age-old fantasy
(obsession does make doubles of us all)-
a redefining of the term wet dream.

The dream is written clear in movements
of its silken skirt, smoothed by fingers
thin and thalli-like that, dipped
into the aqua apparition, will
be played like harp strings or become
a corps de ballet of the evening breeze.

Magpies flick through deeper streams
like bottom shadows of lost fish.

Stray sunbeams probe its depths.

Last night, ice covered when I looked,
I saw a frozen cataract - the dream
takes many shapes - a thousand tiny
water flows arrested by the cold.
White water in a different form.
Linking to dVerse Poets', The Object is Poetics.


Jenny Woolf said...

Liked this very much, Dave, specially the idea of the water as a lovely female figure. Pity she becomes cold and hard sometimes :)

Isabel Doyle said...

Beautiful poem, thoughts and tree.

Isabel x

S and J said...

especially liked the movements in the lines
'be played like harp strings or become
a corps de ballet of the evening breeze.'

The Weaver of Grass said...

Beautiful and as usual so well complimented by the picture Dave.

adan said...

such nice imagery!

the whole last two stanzas were sweeping! almost weeping - language and object seeping into the verse

and truthfully, i can't tell if you crossed any lines regarding the objects, because i just enjoyed being swept in by the language

yes, nice ;-) thanks!

Brian Miller said...

nice...some great touches in this dave....the 'wet dream' was a little playful...and you certainly bring alive your object...smiles...great flow as well man...

Ygraine said...

A truly beautiful poem and tree.
Weeping Willows are such graceful trees, aren't they?

jabblog said...

'a thousand tiny
water flows arrested by the cold.' What a wonderful image.

Daydreamertoo said...

Aren't Weeping Willows such interesting trees to think and dream about. They seem to hold many secrets about themselves in such gentle majesty.
A beautiful write.

Unknown said...

You have captured the spirit of the myths surrounding water and its mysteries. Metamorphosis seems its essence and your unraveling its many forms opens up for me the ability to share your wonder at the world once more.

Kass said...

Really beautiful. Especially love the idea of a tree obsessively weeping and yearning for a homeland of wild wetness. I so identify with this.

Hannah Stephenson said...

Frozen rapids and thirsty weeping willows.....excellent images in this one, Dave.

Semaphore said...

Beautiful from the first phrase on down.

Williamz JungleJuice said...

The penetrating realities of dreams and desires are evocatively captured by the beauty and innocence of life portrayed in the symbolism of the aptly named weeping willow. The layer of sadness in the final perception echoes the harsh justice in nature. I love the imaginative layers of your expression Dave. Please forgive my boldness in my appraisal of your work.

Mary said...

Your poem is filled with beautiful imagery!

Tommaso Gervasutti said...

Stunning, again powerfully visionary, it can't but remind me of "Xanadu" and Coleridge and all the following still vibrant tradition...also Rimbaud.

"Stray sunbeams probe its depths", superb line that prepares the gripping last stanza.

Anonymous said...

You surprised me here: "I'm looking at its age-old fantasy
(obsession does make doubles of us all)- a redefining of the term wet dream." ... Very creative.


Rose said...

Beautifully drenched in imagery :D

Mark Kerstetter said...

Your poem is beautifully written, as I've come to expect from you. The musical metaphor seems appropriate, as you've woven the tree and water into a dance such that they cannot be torn away from each other. I don't see how it's possible to write a poem on any subject and not put something of ourselves into it, but I detect no anthropomorphizing here.

Windsmoke. said...

Bonza imagery. Weeping willows down here in OZ when they die are chopped down and not replanted because of their thirst for water. Instead they are replaced by drought tolerant native trees :-).

Cait O'Connor said...

I could really see the willow you were describing in your poem, such fine imagery.

Cloudia said...

lovely setting-

all the way to
lovely perfect close

Warm Aloha from Hawaii
Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >

Manicddaily said...

A lovely poem; the description very physical but poignant--the wet dream part surprised me a bit, but you let it ebb and flow as well; the close beautiful. K.

Manicddaily said...

PS - I especially like the magpies, sun and lost fish. These comparisons with water very palpable. K.

Bodhirose said...

A frozen cataract...such an imagination you write with...I enjoyed your fantastical description.

Dave King said...

Ah, I saw her as a kind of ice queen. Appreciate the comment.

Thank you lots.

A warm welcome to you. Thank you for your comment. Feedback like this is always helpful.

The Weaver of Grass
Thank you - both times!

Hi, good to have your company and yourvery generous comments. Thank you.

Mmmm, I did wonder if the wet dream was too playful for the context...

Totally agree, they are superb.

Thank you for the thought.

Yes, I must say I love weeping willows. We had two on our small square, but lost one to the hurricane. Thank you for the compliment.

You are right, I am sure. Metamorphosis does underlie it. I did start the poem meaning to base it on photosynthesis, but it didn't work out that way. Thanks for your thoughts.

Thanks for this. So glad you liked it.

Thanks Hannah. Much appreciated.

The comment is really valued.

Nothing to forgive, I assure you. Quite the reverse. A great comment, for which much thanks.

Thank you. Your comments are always encouraging.

You place me in very exalted company - give me quite something to live up to! Thanks for the comment.

As longg as it was a good surprise... Either way, thank you.

Wow, what an accolade! Thanks!

Thanks for that Mark. I had thought the idea of a tree dreaming might just come under that classification, but decided to go ahead anyway. Can I say, a really exciting and fruitful prompt?
Grateful thanks.

Thanks. I can understand why that would be.

Thank you. Lovely comment.

Good to hear from you - as always. Thank you.

Thanks so much. As I've hinted above I did slightly regret the wet dream bit, but decided to let it stand and see what others thought. I am very encouraged that you mention the magpies, sun and lost fish as that was one of my favourite images.

Hi, and a very warm welcome. Good to have you visiting. Thank you for your very generous comment.