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Tuesday, 14 February 2012

With thanks for the prompt to Magpie Tales

Gala Opening
Eateerie for Vampire buffs
iconic dishes


JeannetteLS said...

Oh,DEAR, Dave! I just spit my water onto the screen, thank you VERY MUCH. (I AM a delicate flower, yes.)

See, it is so good to know that you have that bit of twisted dementia in you...

It is 1:00 a.m. here in Connecticut and I was about to go to bed. Methinks 'tis a good time to do so now, after reading this.

Good morning and good night, sir!

My w. v. "word" is snouncl. Why did that make me simply start to giggle?

Misterio Vida said...

wow..the pic is so scary... andromeda?

Elephant's Child said...

One of the other blogs I follow had a much more innnocent take on this picture. I obviously lean towards the dark side. Thanks for this.

jabblog said...

Iconic dishes indeed:-)

Williamz JungleJuice said...

Greetingz Dave....there's a wicked deliciousness in ur take on the image. Very unique...steeped in an aberrant offspring of Christian mythology. Very thought provoking. Reminds me of Eve being served up as a main course for the vampires in our minds... I love it!

Jenny Woolf said...

Yeeuch, that looks tremendously creepy to me!!!

Mary said...

Yikes...and I'm eating breakfast.

Isabel Doyle said...

It is a prompt to make one mad, methinks ...

any time that you are in the neighbourhood, you are welcome to sit at my kitchen table and choose the teapot we should employ ...

Best wishes Isabel

Brian Miller said...

i vant to suck your blood....lol...you nailed the pic man...staked it down that is for sure...smiles.

Ash said...

Hmmm....quite interesting!

Windsmoke. said...

Now that's a Bonza Haiku, dark very dark :-).

Rose said...

Ha! Super brilliant :D

ds said...

HA! Well done! (oops)

Ygraine said...

Oh to be enveloped in all that dark love!
This is what fantasies are made of...