My grateful thanks to Louise at The Carmine Superiore for presenting me with The Lemonade Award. I do know that these awards are variously regarded by members of the blogging fraternity (largely because of the rquirement to pass them on to a ststed number of blogs), but I am very much of the opinion that they should not be undervalued, either in terms of the traffic they can bring to a blog or - far more importantly - for the simple fact that someone has thought of you or your blog and thought it worthwhile to make the award. I am, therefore, extremely grateful to Louise and now happily pass on my heartfelt thanks to her.
Do go and visit her blog if you have not already done so. It is well worth a call.
The rules of The Lemonade Award state that you should:
* Put the logo on your blog or post.
* Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude.
* Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
* Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
* Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
I have chosen the following blogs to receive the award
The Volatile Rune
Sarah Lawrence
Patteran Pages
Notes from a Glaswegan Immaturity
There were so many more I would have liked to reward, but maybe next time....!
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Congratulations on your award! I'll try to get by to visit your recipients over the weekend. (Thus fulfilling your point about increased traffic.)
Thanks for thinking of me, Dave. Your blog deserves every award it gets.
It is great to see more and more people discovering the high quality of your posting.
I trust you recognised one particular movie/limerick on my current post which was inspired by a movie choice of yours. :)
Dave - timely this, as I have just received an award and have been FRETTING and worrying about how to award it in return. I love all of my blog-friends in different ways . . . and part of me wants to direct traffic to people who don't get as much as they deserve, and part of me wants to be rigorously honest about the blogs that I think are the most intelligent/creative/thoughtful or whatever. As you say, it is nice to be honored, but very difficult to choose amongst friends. (I want to nominate Lucy and Dick, too, but I'm not sure they like that sort of thing.)
Never mind; who can resist the compliment? Congratulations on your well-deserved award.
Well done Dave! I agree with you, it's great to realise that someone considers one's blog to be worthy. I'll take a look at your nominees.
Congrats, you deserve it!!! (and more)
congratulations on your award!
Dave I am still formulating my answer to the previous post about Rothko etc. It gave me such food for thought that I didn't want to write until I knew what I was talking about! Now there are so many comments that I shall not add to them!!
Congrats on your award. I worry a little as a computer expert tells me that these awards are an excellent way of getting a virus into your site. Since when I have not dared to download the two which have been awarded to me! Have you any information on this?
Thanks Dave,
I honuorably accept this award. It is very fitting. (My dad always used to say in his comic way that I had champagne taste but a lemonade income).
I'll get right to selecting my lemonade best in the coming weeks.
Again thanks. I'll check out your other selections.
Read you soon
Dave, I’m honored that you thought of me for The Lemonade Award, but I don’t do awards or meme tags on my blog. I'm too much of an artsy individualist, I guess. Weaver of Grass had a warning too that concerns me.
Congratulations on being named for the award yourself; you well deserve it. As always, your commentary is very thoughtful. Thank you for thinking of me and for bringing my attention to other blogs.
Well deserved, Dave. Your posts are always interesting and enjoyable with lots of excellent content. I make reading your posts one of the pleasures of my day.
And I enjoy discovering new bloggers!
Thanks Dave, that's so nice of you to think of me though I think your blog is far more deserving than mine but it's so nice to be thought of!
I have chosen among my favourite blogs in my PC "Tumbleworld" too.
Congratulations mate!!!
Congratulations on your award!
I didnt know they gave blog awards! lol
Congratulations on your award! These are always so fascinating - I love reading and finding new blogs this way ~
Thanks for including me in your list - I am honored.
Thanks for that. Much appreciated.
My thanks for those kind words. I did recognise, but hadn't realised that my choice might have been the inspiration for it.
I recognise the difficulties. I, too, want to encourage others to visit the worthwhile blogs who are not getting the attention they deserve - and there are plenty of those. In the end I think you have to be true to yourself. I wouldn't worry about whether they like them - you can always make it clear that it's an ffer; no one is going to be offended if they have their own reasons for turning them down.
Thanks for the congrats.
High Desert Diva
Much thanks!
I'm sure you will not be disappointed.
Thanks for that.
Many thanks.
Weaver of Grass
Don't have any specialist info' on it, but you can always use your anti-virus software to scan the graphics before you download them - or you should be able to.
Snap! My dad always told me that, too! Thanks.
That's fine. I do understand. No problem.
Thanks for the congrats.
Very generous of you to say so. Thanks.
No surprise.
And thanks .
Hurrican Me
They sure do.
Much deserved, I assure you. Thanks for the congrats.
Correction: I have now seen the lines to which you were referring. I was at cross-purposes with you before. Apologies for the confusion.
Congratulation to you.
Greetings from Indonesia.
thanks for thinking of me here Dave, sorry I haven't responded or been around much. Sometimes I do something about these things, sometimes I don't, they are a nice way of commenting positiviely on one's fellows. I don't usually do more than put the award picture in a post, I feel a bit about them on the sidebar like my dad did about stickers on the car windows!
But it's richly deserved for you anyway.
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