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Thursday, 12 January 2012

there is a tree beside a river...

The tree is spirit energy
a force of nature channelled to a pinpoint point of view
culvert through a needle's eye
compelling other spirit energies
                                like thought.

River into torrent
                  undermining roots.
The current is a different force.
Water and the strength of water
both are physical
are of the order rock and earth
yet both provide the format
for the wholly other.

water (physical)
and  thought of water             
                     (halfway house)  
deepen what is spiritual
carry to oblivion
                 tissue sap and bone.

                         The tree decays
and by its own imperative
decay is spiritual
It's there in nature's blueprint for a life
as workaday as source code or a score
that calls the cellos to a poetry of sound.

All journeys are internal.
In the ending of a life
                       begins the spirit's odyssey.
The life is.
And the spirit is.
Nothing that is
is not.

In winter
the tree has bared its soul
to us and to the world
is stripped of earthly life form

There is a fire
a purge
in which the tree is singed
is charcoal -
           little more
than symbol for a tree.

Form is emphasised
is stark
patterns colours textures
no longer vie with contours for the eye


sunny said...

good one Mr Dave.

Cloudia said...

Quite affected by that, Dave.
Embarked on this thing called
mortality, I hear like a clarion
any sound, or symbol
that has something to teach
to share
on, about this

Here the simplest of lives/things
a tree
a child
knows what that is.
And yet this simplest of things
bears the weight
the light
the liberation
and despair
we share
of time
running down.
Yet, intimations
and sometimes much
much more
prove death no end
or fear.
Yet we long to live longer
don't we. . .In this poem
again we are kin.

"The tree decays
and by its own imperative
decay is spiritual
It's there in nature's blueprint for a life
as workaday as source code or a score
that calls the cellos to a poetry of sound.

All journeys are internal.
In the ending of a life
begins the spirit's odyssey.
The life is.
And the spirit is.
Nothing that is
is not. "

I will save,
and may I perhaps
use it to enrich
one of my poor

Warmly, -With Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >

Elisabeth said...

Powerful words, Dave. More on that old life and death, but here too is spirit, and life beyond mere death. Thanks.

haricot said...

I've got some energy by your words, Dave. Life is beautiful.

Maude Lynn said...

Brilliant piece. Some incredibly clean, gorgeous lines.

Brian Miller said...

nice...love the weaving of tree in this as it is def very symbolic in life and death...and even religeon, starting and ending with a tree...

Tommaso Gervasutti said...

It's really close to my world Dave and reminds me to perceptions that became poems I wrote.

These lines goes straight to the bone-marrow:

It's there in nature's blueprint for a life
as workaday as source code or a score
that calls the cellos to a poetry of sound.

Windsmoke. said...

Very enjoyable poem about life, death and the spirit world :-).

Mary said...

So much to think about here. "All journeys are internal" is an interesting concept.

Carl said...

hipnotic and spiritual

Dave King said...

Thanks for this.

Very grateful for your comments and all your support. Thanks greatly.

Exactly so. Not so much life AND death, more life/death.
Grateful for your comment.

Indeed. No arguments there!

Mama Zen
Thank you so much. This is such a help.

Thanks, yes, that's pretty much as I had planned it, so good to hear you found it so.

You have picked out one of the passages I had thought of as core. My thanks.

Glad you thought so. Much thanks for saying.

Thanks, yes. Not sure it's original. I have a suspicion that I heard it somewhere!

Much thanks. I'll happily settle for those!

Ygraine said...

You have pinpointed the World I inhabit here, Dave.
These words touched my Soul.