All afternoon we've wandered from the pool
to alpine beds and roses
and the freshly painted
palm house
all afternoon
we've come back to this shoal
of living fish.
Crimson and black
or touched with gold
the koi hang in a world of their invention
with nothing that feel like home
- a concrete pool
and unfamiliar plants spotted with light
birdsong and traffic
pollen and motes of dust
and every time the veil above their heads
shivers into noise
they dart
and scatter
though it seems more ritual now
than lifelike fear
as if they understood
in principle
but could not wholly grasp
the vividness of loss
I suppose most people when they think of nature poetry think first of someone like William Wordsworth, say:-
My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
And I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety.
or John Clare, with a poem like:-
The thistledown's flying, though the winds are all still,
On the green grass now lying, now mounting the hill,
The spring from the fountain now boils like a pot;
Through stones past the counting it bubbles red-hot.
The ground parched and cracked is like overbaked bread,
The greensward all wracked is, bents dried up and dead.
The fallow fields glitter like water indeed,
And gossamers twitter, flung from weed unto weed.
Hill-tops like hot iron glitter bright in the sun,
And the rivers we're eying burn to gold as they run;
Burning hot is the ground, liquid gold is the air;
Whoever looks round sees Eternity there.

Easternight, the mind's midwinter
I stood in the big field behind the house
at the centre of all visible darkness
a brick of earth, a block of sky,
there lay the world, wedged
between its premise and its conclusion
From Field
The fact that nature has changed - if that is, indeed, a fact - has made no difference to the relevance of Wordsworth's poetry. Before he and the other Romantic Poets got to work on our sensibilities The Lake District and other such places were almost universally regarded as dangerous, unwholesome, ugly areas of wilderness. Wild places to be avoided. But now, some would maintain, nature is going back to being dangerous and unwholesome. And that is not just the wild places, which hardly seem to exist now, but all of it. Nowhere can you escape the desecrating, toxigenic hand of man. That someone needs to speak out about it hardly needs saying. Almost daily someone does. Certainly, it is true that man (who is himself part of natue, let us not forget) is the one most able - and morally charged - to speak up for nature. And why should the poet over all others have that moral obligation? Because it is also true that man is everywhere speaking out. Yet still the desecration and the poisoning goes on. Why? It surely must be that all the speaking out is failing to change hearts and minds. And that must be because the politicians cannot change hearts and minds. They are too caught in their self-made webs of expedience and compromise. The responsibility must fall to those who have chosen or been chosen to be the guardians and the first line exponents of language, the poets and writers of our generation.
We make language, it has been said, and language makes us, but not just language; we are physical beings; mental beings; spiritual beings, and our whole being must be involved in our dedication to nature - as it is involved in the finest examples of poetry and prose. For the sad thing is that we are no longer talking just about the nature that once was, our traditional environment, in other words. No, we are talking about nature adapted, modified, suffused by the habits of science, including, of course, bad science.

I will leave you withan extract from Alice Oswald's Dart, a meditation on Devon's fabulous river of that name.
What I love is one foot in front of another. South south west and down the contours. I go slipping
between Black Ridge and White Horse Hill into a bowl of the moor where echoes can't get out.
and I find you in the reeds, a trickle coming out of a bank, a foal of a river
one step-width water
of linked stones
trills in the stones
glides in the trills
eels in the glides
in each eel a fingerwidth of sea
1 – 200 of 207 Newer› Newest»excellent post, addressing many questions that I have asked myself recently... I especially liked the first oswald poem, this is fabulous:
I stood in the big field behind the house
at the centre of all visible darkness
what a lovely nature post to read, staring out the window onto a concrete jungle...
Apology to Mike of Mike's Blog
many thanks for your comment. Unfortunately, for some unknown reason the post was posted twice and I inadvertently deleted the one with your comment. I didn't want you to think I had deleted you intentionally!
Oswald is an amazing poet, I think.
Poetry still has a lot of the emotion recollected in tranquility for me.
Well done, as ever Dave. How's the Cabernet in Britain?
Your post was terrific. :D
Our morally charged abilities (as you correctly describe them) will require extraordinary strength against the greed that sees nature only in terms of how well it feeds insecurity and ego. I would agree that the politician is lost; he's the tool of the greedy. The poet does stand as the beacon. You make me ponder how much it bothers me to paint landscapes that lie. Just turn your head a few degrees and all that threatens my landscape is rushing by just out of view from the edge of my canvas. It is a horror story that we lie so much about what we see. I am ashamed, truthfully, and must admit that the same insecurity and ego that drives the wealthy elites who spoil our world for their own pleasure, also drives me to hear praise and recognition for my landscapes. Imagine watching a dying child and the best we can say is, he is such a handsome baby. There is much to think about in your remarks here, Dave.
Surely it's everybody's duty to see what is going on in the world, not only a poet's?
nice post
Enjoyed that!
An interesting post-- as someone who has written a fair amount of poetry I;ve always felt a need to respond to my surroundings which, even when I lived in San Francisco were in many respects "natural" (human interaction as you pointed out is itself natural). I always liked W.D. Snodgrass' line: "We need the landscape to repeat us." jinsky has a point to: everyone has a responsibility to see (& respond to) what's going on in the world; the poet's response is poetry-- is that a "greater" response than, e.g., an activist's response? I'd say no, it's a different response. Both can inspire others, which is the big thing.
Hi again, thanks for your kind comments as always.
I think we are getting more and more distanced from nature or so it would seem and therefor it does not inspire the people who's lives it does not touch. It is gratifying to read your modern choices as well as old favourites.
Of course it's possible to write sensible poems about nature (though silly ones are so much more fun). It's just that the pollution etc are also aspects of it that need to be addressed. I think possibly it's harder to write in an idyllic fashion about the stuff, since fewer people have that experience of the countryside these days.
In society today it seems many people are looking for the quickest and most efficient way to get whatever it is they want. With poetry of old the writer and reader had to slow down, or in some cases stop completely, to fully absorb and appreciate the little things in the world. When the writer wrote, a reader wanted to read no matter what the length and they allowed themself time to do so. These days in our fast paced world of neon signs and sports cars it is more difficult to distinguish nature; a sunset behind a skyscraper is still a sunset but less of us make the journey up to the mountain behind the skyscraper so we can see the real thing. The photograph of a sunset placed square on the side of the building is enough for us.
Very intriguing post with some beautiful poetry I had never read before.
Dave I know absolutely nothing about poetry.
I have a question.
"That which has raised and sustained, not only us, but all life over millenia, that which has been our cradle and our nursery, will be our grave, and still is (so far) our home; that which I have seen, ( as Wordsworth put it,) and now can see no more, has all but passed away."
Did you write this or did someone else because out of the whole post this I felt was poetry. Without the words in brackets I felt like it rang as poetry.
Love Renee
Robinson Jeffers
Wendell Berry
Gary Snyder
May Sarton
These are poets, among others, whose work often begins in observation of nature. Sometimes it stays there, sometimes not.
Nature's pretty an endless topic. And "Nature" and "City" are not separate, either; nature permeates everything, you can't get away from it, except by ignoring it.
"Nature poetry" isn't fashionable right now because human self-regard has become so narcissistic (something Jeffers wrote against), and even now most humans don't give much time to regarding their impact upon the planet's habitats and cycles (Snyder was an environmentalist-poet long before there was a "green" movement).
You're absolutely correct to call people who think "nature poetry" is only what the Lake Poets wrote impoverished. And you're absolutely correct to point out that good nature poetry begins in observation, even of things not always parlor-room pleasant. Robert Frost wrote some very dark poetry, some of his best poems, still overlooked in favor of the parlor-room-pleasant pastoral poems. (Too many Ps, I know.)
And man is indeed part of nature. And not the most significant part, just the most self-centered part. (As again Jeffers pointed out, among others.)
Good post. I do not think poetry has the attention it once had in society due to the influx of all the activities, tv, etc. that are available. Reading was once the form of entertainment,communication and subject for discussion.
Nice post. A very good, contemplative read. I think the world needs more poets and artists who, through their appreciation of nature, may influence others on the need to preserve the beauty of our earth.
I learn so much from you.
The poem Koi is breathtaking, at least for me. I read it aloud and it is even more beautiful when spoken.
I am unfamiliar with Alice Oswald, but intend on familiarizing myself with her poetry tonight.
Don't forget Mary Oliver. Her nature poetry is simple and moving. She is one of my favorite poets. I listened an audio of her reading her poems when I was ill last week. It was so soothing. Perfect medication. :)
Dave I found that first poem very interesting - it was such a calm, tranquil read that I found I held the image of the koi and the pool in my head almost as though I was there.
Do you know Heron and Kierkegaards Song by Edwin Morgan? They are two of my most favourite nature poems.
I am one of those who struggle with nature poetry. It's so … descriptive, like a painting of a still life, very pretty, technically accomplished, but it rarely seems to say anything to me. As a kid I spent most of my childhood wandering around the countryside and perhaps I'm overly familiar with it. Familiarity is said to breed contempt. I feel a lot these days like Billy Connolly when talking about going for a country walk: "Oh, a tree, I'm glad I came." I have written nature poems but none of them are any good. I'm clearly going through the motions and it shows. I was actually mulling over all of this with an eye to writing my own blog on why I don't appreciate nature poetry; I may still do.
Romanticism should be always considered modern. Romance is part of life, no matter what people think, no matter the time, the season, the year, the era I should say.
Dave, as always, your posts are thought-provoking and informative. Thanks for the intro to Oswald and Burnside.
Thanks Dave- This post is wonderful and will keep me going for quite some time wallowing in beautiful phrases, delicious word choices- just YUM! AND I will never look at captive koi the same way- I am so sorry for them, though I am pretty sure they don't have much thought going on between their gills. Little fishie brains...still...they may experience confusion and that can be uncomfortable.
I've given up on my generation to wake up to the destruction we're waging on the natural world. We've grown to old to listen to poets, and heard so many wonderful stories we're no longer touched by the storytellers art. And to be truthful, I'm not sure the next generation ever had much poetry in its soul. It is on the young ones that I place my reliance, those who never had the opportunity to live in this world before the desecration of man. I dream that they'll have a vision of a world they know only from songs and poetry, and work to recreate it.
It keeps Britain going - that's what I believe, anyway!
Thanks for that.
I can't think that being selective in what you use is a problem. Artits have always done that. It's part of the process. To some extent it takes us back to Picasso's Art is a lie... (see mu previous post) More interesting is: does the fact that the selection you have made is genetically modified (say) change things for you, for the way you look at it?
Welcome. Yes, it most certainly is, but part of the poet's brief is to increase awareness, no?
Welcome and thanks.
I do like the Snodgrass line and, yes, Jinksy has a very good point. We should all know what is going on, but who is to change hearts and minds(and how) where they need changing? And yes, I think you are probably right about it not be a different response - but I may need to think a bit more about that one.
Welcome back and thanks for that. Yes, I think a distancing has taken place and is part of the problem. Maybe it's part of the artist's problem to bridge that gulf.
Welcome and thanks for the comment. I do agree with both of your points.
Welcome. Well put - and sad, but true, I am afraid. Not sure what the artist's response to that can be. Maybe it's why more people go to art galleries these days than read poetry. Visual art is more immediate?
Welcome. The words came to me as I was writing the post, but where from, not sure. I think they are mine, but they may well be echoes of something heard or read sometime.
I have ancountered a couple of your four poets before, but not the other two. I must research them. Thanks for that and for your further commentts. I think we are on many of the same lines.
Artist unplugged
I did hear someone remark recently that they read mostly poms because they are shorter than novels - and even shorter than short stories!
Thanks for that. Exactly right.
Thanks for your comment. You are right to remind me of Mary Oliver. My quote was not the whole of Koi. Maybe I did not make that clear. It was a section from the middle of the poem
Weaver of Grass
Yes, that is exactly how I felt on first reading the poem. I do know the Edwin Morgan, but maybe not as well as I should. I must go back to it.
I have to confess that I, too, struggle when it comes to writing nature poems. I hardly ever set out to write one, and maybe that's the point: maybe the best nature poems (these days)do not begin withan intention to write about nature. Maybe that is something that happens, it depends on your concept of nature poetry, I suppose. Say the two words and the image that comes is maybe a little precious. That is not what I have in mind, though.
I agree. Trouble is, Romance, Romanicism, romantic each have such a wide range of meaning.
I am sure it is. That which I have read of yours has been unfailingly so.
Thanks for that. Burnside has for long been a great favourite of mine. Oswald has become one recently.
Wouldn't it be good to know, though, what goes on between those gills?
I understand the way you are thinking, and I do believe you could prove to be correct - particularly about... I was going to say end game but I didn't intend to be that pessimistic... let's just say: about the young and their potential contribution.
Great post, nature is generally always my starting point for a poem. I keep coming across Alice Oswald at the moment, really must pick up a copy of 'Dart' at some point.
I'm so glad you are a kick-ass fact you ARE
As ever, a most thoughtful and interesting post which would take hours to discuss in detail---I wish we keen types could have a real world Monday night discussion as per Chas. Lamb and so on.
Anyway a couple of very brief points.
As regards doom and end time - which we all fear from pollution etc etc I was somewhat comforted when my son said, "Ma, what makes you have the hubris to think think that it will be YOUR generation, out of all of them that have gone on so long that will see the end."
Yes, good nature poems always contain precise observation and then lifts off and is transmuted into something else entirely - as in the last line you quote.
Point two. I think I will be a Wordsworthian to the end as in Ode on the Intimations of Immortality...
known to us in the 4th form as "Imitations of Immorality". Haha.(Sigh. Ah youth.)
Did not proof read the above and grammatical errors abound. Sorry.
I love nature poetry (my favorite) because it is beautiful, but also because it makes me pause, makes me take stock of both my world and myself, makes me more appreciative.
Great rhythm and movement in Burnside’s poem! It captures a coi in spirit. Nature poems move me the most, especially Frost. Your photos help set just the right mood for your thoughtful exposition. Lovely!
Arguments have been made that Frost isn't particularly a pastoral nature poet, but in fact a very human-centered one. A lot of his poems begin with imagery from the natural world, but they're not ABOUT the natural world; not in the sense that Jeffers or Loren Eiseley wrote.
I agree that "nature poet" is a loaded term, and often carries a lot of Victorian baggage. Wordsworth but also Swinburne.
One of the most musical poems ever written about a natural setting, about nature as a subject was Sidney Lanier's "The Marshes of Glynn." Human concerns only appear in that poem by their absence, their removal from the poet's mind. That's a kind of poetry-of-nature more akin to Burnside's excellent Koi poem, or lots of haiku.
Frost (I know I brought him up) is often perceived as a pastoral poet, but his subject was human life, within a rural or natural setting, of course; but people are always present in the poems, and people's concerns. Some of Frost's best poems, less well known than they ought to be, are very dark; full of the "blood and mire" of the rural and natural settings. I'm thinking of "The Witch of Coos," or "Home Burial." I think, actually, that calling Frost a nature poet is a bit superficial, a bit of a misunderstanding.
I also question equating "nature poetry" with "beauty." I think that too is a Wordsworthian holdover. Nature is also full of death and decay, not just pastoral beauty. Nature itself isn't very Romantic, in the Romanticism sense. Some of the best poems that are about nature are not at all about its prettiness or its beauty, but about its starkness and incredible power. One thinks of Emily Dickinson's observations of the birds in her garden; one thinks of Hayden Carruth.
Of course, it can also be argued that since humans write poetry humanity will always be present in poems, and more or less the subject of poetry, indeed of all literature. That takes me back to Jeffers, though, and maybe also George Mackay Brown, who had a real sense of the smallness of human concerns relative to the vast scope of the planet and the universe, and in Brown's case within the vast timescape of what Brown called the great loom of time.
Perhaps what "nature poetry" means, if anything, is that subjects other than people and their (sometimes narcissistic) needs are not the central or only subject, are not foregrounded, are not the sole regard and purpose of poetry.
One day I'll get in at the top and not the very bottom! I can only repeat: an excellent post, Dave, with perfect examples of the trenchant points you're making. Whilst both Alice Oswald and John Burnside are favoured poets now, I believe that they will be seen as crucial exemplars of their particular craft in years to come - years within which further fundamental changes will take place within our natural environment.
Once again again (!), excellent stuff.
nature poetry that seems to be nothing more than description can if well written and carefully read help people to see what's being lost from the world and help them to look more closely at what's around them. However there needs to be some greater intention behind it than just to describe, otherwise it hasn't moved on and it doesn't speak to either the modern day readers or the situation they find themselves in.
I think that Burnside is very much a modern nature poet,
I find starting with nature rather difficult at the moment. I have to come round to it from an oblique angle. Oswald has written a lot of fine poetry. I was surprised how much when I looked into it.
Super idea that, a real discussion with lamb!
Yes, your son has a real point. I don't actually think it will be our generation, or his for that matter. It still scares me, though.
I agree wholeheartedly about Intimations of Immortality, I just wish I had been in your sixth form!
I am congenitally unfitted to proof reading.
TRhanks for that. Good nature poetry does all that!
I agree with all the points you make - except the final sentence, of course. Modesty precludes comment on that. Thanks.
I go part way with you on Frost, but first of all I take humanity to be a part of nature. That said, I would rather say that Frost wrote nature poetry rather than tag him as a nature poet. I don't think that is splitting hairs; I think there is a difference, if only of emphasis. I agree that the line between nature poetry and other poetry is not a sharp line, but one of convenience, but to start with nature and then move out from it would be part of my definition of nature poetry.
The last sentence of your first paragraph is chillingly true, I think. Thanks for making it and for the comment generally.
Crafty Green Poet
Yes, I think that poetry that doesn't move on is not taken to heart and well remembered. I think good poetry is often inadquately remembered, a bit like a Shakespeare play after your first exposure; you remember the storm in The Tempest, because of the emotion, and not much else, except that inexplicably, a lot of Shakespeare manages to hang in there along with the image.
Dave, As ever I'm entering into this fascinating discussion somewhat late. Your choice of poets - Alice Oswald (New to me) and John Burnside (previously encountered - is excellent and I appreciate your insights into the achievements of both poets. I like especially the idea of "not so much a landscape as a borderland where all are engaged in something that is not entirely present."
Much to think on. Thanks.
And many thanks for those generous remarks. Not toolate at all! Glad you enjoyed the post.
Thank you for a very interesting dissertation. I think good nature poetry has to offer something which you can’t getter more powerfully by experiencing the described natural scene directly – a metaphor for a facet of human experience, for instance.
Of course we can still find beauty in nature. Poetry and nature are both conducive for our contemplation of the relationship between our individual experience and the universal. We are right to consider this, in a thousand different individual ways, rather than restrict ourselves to ‘contemporary issues’.
I much appreciate your wisdom and your values. If only someone as wise as you were prime minister, or at least head of the Arts Council or the BBC.
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