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The moon petals the sea. Rose petals the sea. Stone sea. Stone petals. Rose petals of stone. Stone rising before me. Sea moves. How moves...
extract from the poem Koi by John Burnside All afternoon we've wandered from the pool to alpine beds and roses ...
As Antony Gormley's One and Other 100 days project for the fourth (empty) plinth in Trafalgar Square neared its conclusion I found mys...
It all depends, you see, how you go about it. And that I cannot tell you, for that will be dictated by you and by you knowing your friends...
This post has in a sense been handed to me by two or three responses to my post On not getting it. In the course of discussing how a reader...
ha dave!!! that brought a smile to my face as i was just reading about exoplanets and the like!!!! i love that this poem just floated by so serendipitously! steven
Nice twist at the end of this one.
I hope I don't start following the news via your haiku!
John Stewart The Daily Show all over again....
I hope you are gathering all these haiku into one book to leave for posterity Dave - they are certainly worth it.
Hello there! One after the other, these are truly wonderful. I am with 'Weaver' you need to publish a book of your unique works.
Hi Dave,
I shall have to begin following the news via your blog! I haven't seen this item but your haiku makes it short, sweet and accessible.
I find this Haiku infinitely intriguing. Is this a literal quote from a astrological report?
(C8H8)n (Polystyrene) could be the muse of many a Haiku: the pellets, the foam, the forks, the recycling possibilites....
Clever, Dave
Aloha, Friend!
Comfort Spiral
I love it when I'm said to be serendpitous - makes me think the rulers of the universe are on my side.
Thanks for that
You could do worse - I'm trying to steer clear of party politics, personalities and stuff like that - though I may not succeed.
Nice of you to say that, but no, the idea had not occurred.
That's really nice of you to say so. Thanks.
Thanks Derek. Back story below.
It's the result of the Kepler Space Telescope's first sweep. It is looking for occupiable plan ets in other galaxies. It found none that might be inhabited, but several "new worlds", mostly big (and very hot) planets. The one that intrigued me was the one which has a mass roughly equivalent to that of polystyrene. It seems to be out of line with all existing
planetary theory.
Clever? I must watch that!
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