War correspondent.
Speaking of a sea of faces. Spoke
more truly than he knew.
Which war it was, is incidental.
As is the where of it. Enough to say
it was a crowd in turmoil.
What else is there to know?
He who speaks of sea or ocean
speaks of restlessness. Eternal
movement at great depth.
Of currents powered by primal forces.
Emotivations far below the skin.
And how cross-purposefulness,
as between the different streams,
puts them in conflict with each other -
and in time with every one,
affecting what the surface says or does;
affecting masks that hide the face, mysterious -
and in the last analysis,
imperative. Invincible.
The faces may be drawn,
stressed-out by moon or mooniness,
be whipped by winds
and shallow feelings, but beware:
they break and shatter in a spray...
of what? It's that
we do not know
and shall not know
until it is too late.
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Comfort Spiral
> < } } (°>
"The faces may be drawn,
stressed-out by moon or mooniness,
be whipped by winds
and shallow feelings, but beware:"
This is one of the things I love in your poetry, Dave. So often, I ride the first parts of your poem, sensing I am being expertly taken to an end that makes me go, "YES. I understand." I don't NEED to think about the ride; I feel it and go with it.
Those lines that open the last stanza already made me go "YES." And the conclusion simply solidified the whole thing in my core.
And that may have made NO sense to anyone but me, but I'm okay with that. Sufficeth to say that you know it means that I LIKE this poem and then some.
"they break and shatter in a spray..."
I will never be able to write poetry as you can. NEVER
This is so typical of people. We never really know anyone. We can only know the sides of themselves they choose to share and shows us.
Wonderful write Dave, deep, powerful in its truths and imagery.
VERY strong last stanza. So much to think about.
"Of currents powered by primal forces.
Emotivations far below the skin.
And how cross-purposefulness,
as between the different streams,
puts them in conflict with each other -
and in time with every one," Powerful poem. Deep truths beautifully expressed. Your writing is amazing. If there's an option here, I will be sharing it.
you left me with shivers at the end man...this is def strong...and particularly as you draw this to a close....
The thought of a sea of faces is enough to make me feel queasy... I'm not keen on crowds!
It comes on strong. Felt somewhat unsettled. Great write Dave!
The poem grows into the last line with a spontaneous force.
And makes me think of many fateful and inevitable "until it is too late" one has come and will again come across.
Very enjoyable indeed :-).
Such a sigh is so expressive.
Such a wonderful response to get, is this. I do thank you for it, but please don't worry if you think it makes NO difference to anyone but you, that's poetry for you and that's just how it should be.
And never say NEVER. I couldn't, even a very short while ago. Looking at past poems I often want to shrivel up - or wish they would, antthing so that I might disown them.
It's pleasing to hear that you think this. Thanks.
Hi! Really good to have you visiting. Your company and comments are most welcome. Thank you so much for your kind words. They are very much appreciated.
Thanks for saying - didn't quite intend the shivers, though.
Nor me. Being taken by a great aunt to see "Salute the Soldier Week" (I think it was) in Hyde Park as an infant is one of my most chilling childhood memories. Traumatic at the time.
Ouch, not too much so, I hope.
Yes, I take your point. It's a far too common experience!
Much thanks.
Superb Dave - this had me sighing with the pleasure of reading it.
Anna :o]
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