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Tuesday 24 April 2012


You've heard of Damien Hurst,
Art Shark supreme,
his fondness for formaldehyde
fame and fortune overnight?

I'll have a bit of that, I thought.
Ma banned the f-stuff from the house.
Smells unsavoury, she said.
That's fair enough, thought I,
Aspic will do instead
that's savoury enough for mum.

First thought was for the cat,
but he high tailed it out. So that was that.
I kidded my kid brother in.
He never knew what smothered him!
Lovely way to go!

So that's the way it happened, officer.
Straight up...
don't say you're like the rest of them...
world over,
all the damned  authorities
are Philistines.

No idea of what art is!
Eat your art up, Damien Hurst,
the little people aint caught up...
Nor never will, if you ask me.

The photo-prompt was provided by http://magpietales.blogspot.co.uk/


jabblog said...


Mary said...


Daydreamertoo said...

OMGoodness... I giggled at this. You are badddddddddd

Jenny Woolf said...

Funny! of all the responses I have seen this comes the nearest to what I thought when I saw the prompt !

Tabor said...

I am the opposite of Jenny. This was an unexpected direction for me. Scary and weird!

Silent Otto said...

Ah good on you Dave, let him out for a run, its the safest way ! . He seems a little lackng in empathy, like a large corporation !

kaykuala said...

Hilarious Dave! You can't possibly keep him down, can you?


Kat Mortensen said...

Where to begin? Bwahaahaa to the aspic. Love the addition of the high-tailing cat (thought I was one of few people to use that phrase).

This was a real "dandy"! I am savouring every delicious byte!

You really are such a master. I like this dark side very much.


Brian Miller said...

smiles....that is one way to take care of a little b(r)other...think anyone will notice if you take him out and prop him up at the holidays?

Anonymous said...

The first read through I was a bit befuddled, but after researching the subject and re-reading, I have only one comment....Brilliant! Thanks for the great read and the education! Vb

Rachna Chhabria said...

Great! I enjoyed it.

Tess Kincaid said...

Deliciously creepy!

Anonymous said...

"all the damned authorities are philistines" soooooo true

apollo and the two muses

Windsmoke. said...

Bonza especially the philistines part that made me laugh :-).

Unknown said...

Such artistry in your conceptualization, Dave!! Will you be having a show during the Olympics then? Very enjoyable. Thank you for sharing.

Elephant's Child said...

Yay for the dark side. And I have to admit there have been times when I would have loved to have lured any of my brothers in. Sigh.

PattiKen said...

Oh, my, the dark side shows itself. Very creative, Dave. I liked it, and chuckling, have to say, "Well, aspic could work..."

aprille said...

Houdini-like you get yourself into and out of impossible poetic constraints. Your versitility is as amazing as the quality of your poems.

haricot said...

What a terrible infant!

Dave King said...

Settle for that!

and that!

All brothers are at times...

Ah, a like mind! Fantastic.

Ouch! Nothing darker than black humour intended, I assure you.

Good comparison, yes, I agree.

No, not for too long. He'll bob up again.

Wow, well, thanks for this. I hadn't expected such praise. Gratefully received.

Brilliant idea! Might even have the makings of another post! Thanks.

Yp, maybe I should have put in some links, even an image... Apologies for the oversight, and thanks for taking the trouble. Good to hear you liked it.

Thanks for saying. Much appreciated.

Great to know you thought so. Thanks.

couldn't resist that one.

Mmm, good - unfortunately, it's not always possible to laugh.

I'd not actually thought about that, but it's an idea! Thanks for it.

The Elephant's Child
Know what you mean!

Well, I thought it might work. Thanks for the chuckles.

Houdini, eh? I rather like that! Thanks.

Me, I take it? Ah, well!

Ginny Brannan said...

Art in the form of a pickled and well-preserved brother, how morbid and twisted!! A little sibling rivalry in your past perhaps?!! Very clever write!!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Easier perhaps to deal with brothers than sharks! Very clever. I also liked your architect piece--the creaking of the doors. I have many friends who are architects, and though I am sensitive to space in some ways, it's not a job I could ever imagine! K.

Helen said...

Wow! Not sure where this came from, but it was SO much fun to read!!

Ygraine said...

That is so funny! I could picture it all in my mind: the cat hot-footing it; your poor brother!
Absolutely brilliant:)

JJ Roa Rodriguez said...

fun fun fun! u naughty!..


hyperCRYPTICal said...

Sometimes brothers just need to be pickled for eternity...

Love the "Eat your art up"

Anna :o]