I've loved so many vampires in my life,
and with each one shared such a wond'rous love
full of the joys of flesh, its sins and blood,
though never a one ever took too much
or ever used it to fuel her flesh.
(Which may not accord with what you've been told -
it's light years beyond the vampires' bad press.)
In truth, the blood intoxicates psyches -
a minimal droplet will work the trick
to trigger their sex into overdrive
and to shatter in turn my last reserves.
They've hidden their sex in cartons of blood,
an aphrodisiac mixed with fear, spin
the added ingredient - unlikely
tales vanillas will hear... and stay away.
Only the chosen get close; the rest
are hedged with fears of the death of their souls.
They may try to nourish, externalise
the dread that has gripped them by the heart, dread
which only joy can move. But not for them
surrendering to the darkest unknown.
Of all the many I've loved, there were four,
Chilli, Chalk, Joan and Horse, of whom I'll speak,
each with her own sweet peccadilloes
(according that is to the vampire code):
one who would only take blood from the toes,
one who would intermingle our blood, two
who insisted on one - and one for free.
My greatest regret: I've outlived them all!
For Poetics ~28 at dVerse Poets the theme of the prompt is Vampires
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Wow, this story begs the question, what happened? Why has the narrator outlived all their vampire loves? An engaging tale, and that open-ended, unasked question at the end can fill one with hope or despair, depending on how you answer it.
Superb poem. It's playful, but affectionate at the same time. I enjoyed it, especially on this wet Sunday morning.
Greetings from London.
you paint a charming picture...love the one that took only blood from the toes...thanks for the smile...but...heck...what did you do with them that they all died before you...that paints a big question mark and i'm just checking if i have my garlic bead with me while visiting your blog...smiles..happy sunday dave
Chilling. I always think people who want to live forever must be nuts. I would imagine after a few hundred years, it would be kind of boring. You're really seen and done just about everything and there wouldn't be too many surprises left.
This was a wicked tale Dave, especially having preferences of where to suck the blood. A toe blood sucking vampire...haha Very creative :)
This is one I loved reading out loud...twice. I have an eerie but enchanted reaction to your poem. I'm glad you outlived them all to tell us the tale, most definitely!
Clever! Especially the ending...outliving them all!
this is like the opening scene for me...maybe the prologue of a much larger tale into these vampire friends that you have outlived....give us more sir...
They've hidden their sex in cartons of blood,
an aphrodisiac mixed with fear
... love it, Dave!
I like this tale of loves and loss, full of charm and humor ~
Thanks for perking up my Sunday morning ~
Very charming (as always), I love the one that takes from the toe-- cannot but think of toe jam. K.
This one begs for "to be continued!" Love it, Dave!
That's lots of friends in high places. They do it not just from the toe but more conventionally from side of the neck. A clever twist there, Dave!
Witty and amusing, with a twist at the end. I agree it feels like the beginning of a fascinating tale, do tell.
Witty and amusing, with a twist at the end. I agree it feels like the beginning of a fascinating tale, do tell.
I agree with Lydia... This one had to be read out loud. Nice work Dave.
definitely one to get the mental(and physical) juices going, David. I'm going to be pondering those four names for awhile, because I know they mean something I'm not getting. This has great rhythm and image throughout.
Very nice job. Great tone, reflection and love the stellar ending. Thanks
The second stanza and the ending says it all for me :-).
Interesting twist, the "Vampires I've loved," and as I got into the story, you left it with an unanswered question that left the reader wondering... what happened to them? Why did the narrator outlive live when they're supposed to live forever?
Weren't they the names of the four horse people of the Apocalypse?:)
Splendid Dave and as ever in the light of memories, in this case with a touch of Byron maybe. And a great Frost-sigh in the last line!
oh my...you really love vampires? so scary.... :(
Yes, I take your point, but I have a firm belief that it is not necessary to tell everything. Thanks for the comment.
A Cuban in London
Thanks for saying... one could have forgiven almost anything in that rain, I feel.
Thanks Claudia. Guess I - or they - were just unlucky...
I totally agree about the living forever. The only thing that bothers me is leaving loved ones.
Thanks for visiting. Lovely comment. Thank you so much. Glad you liked it.
Thanks for this. Always helpful to hear these things.
Mmmm... I guess it could be. Maybe I shoud have a think. Thanks for the suggestion.
Much thanks for saying so.
Really good to know that it did. Thanks.
Toe jam... now there's a commodity to set the world on fire!
Mama Zen
Thanks. Two votes for a continuation. I shall def. have to think about it now!
Thanks for saying. A great help always.
Thanks. Good to have you visiting. Greatly appreciate your thoughts.
Really good to know. Thanks so much.
Great to have your reflections. Thanks for. No (intentional) deep meaning to the names, though. Sorry!
Hi, welcome to the blog and my thanks to you for your comment.
Thanks for this.
Blue Flute
Ah, I was just out to correct all the myths that are told about them! Great to have you visiting. Thanks for sharing.
Cressida de Nova
Were they? Didn't know that, or I'd forgotten it. Thank you for visiting and for your comment.
Mmm, I think I get the Frost-sigh, but I am surprised by B yron!
I do, I do, I do! Thanks.
Wonderful. I really enjoyed it.
I'm glad you put Joan before the horse!
Not a title I could ever have anticipated from you.
Wonderful poem though. I've had a few myself.
You're not talking about THAT "horse", are you?
...and to think we've feared
Vampires all these centuries!
Yet they have such irresistible erotic lure for we mere mortals!
Bloody brilliant!
Anna :o]
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