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Wednesday 14 April 2010

Haiku #115

Cutting out the rough stuff.
No more slapping on the soaps -
Health and Safety ruling.


Mariana Soffer said...

Very nice haiku, your wisdom is shown here with great words.

carole said...

If I've interpreted it correctly, this chimes with my own current thinking. I've resolved not to spend time watching soaps and other TV pollutants.

@ctors Business said...

Your wit and wisdom continue to entertain, amaze and instruct.

Shadow said...

good one! i don't understand how peoplecan watch it anyway...

steven said...

dave there's so much on television that creates or reinforces the lowest common denominator. i wish that if we have a medium that can reach large groups of people that it was used to elevate rather than denigrate. steven

Barry said...

No doubt there s much on TV that contravenes Health and Safety regulations.

If Health and Safety won't act, maybe Dawkins' lawyers could look into the possibility of charging the producers with crimes against humanity?

In case that thing with the Pope doesn't work out.

Tabor said...

And here I thought it had to do with some news headline about soapmaking!

Unknown said...

Then they'd better hire new script writers, Dave!

Helen said...

I grew up with 'radio soaps' ... fun listening, addictive too ~ but only 15 minutes in length. Long for those days at times. Everything on TV is a soap of one kind or another today.

Kass said...

I slap soap often,
and it shoots across the room
into the Telly.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I wonder after 115 haiku whether you are beginning to dream them in your sleep too Dave. Whichever kind of soap you mean it is still a good one.

Ronda Laveen said...

That must mean there'll be more kissing.

DUTA said...

I agree with Helen. "Everything on TV is a soap of one kind or another today". That's why I seldom watch TV it only adds to my Health.

Dave King said...

Many thanks again for all the comments. I was quite amused last night to see that in one soap they can still throw glasses at each other - obviously not as dangerous as slapping, though the slap-and-tickle still continues, I gather.

Fun nily enough, the haiku has not pen etrated my sleep as yet!