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Tuesday 18 January 2011

"Haiku" #335

they aren't bothered -
the young people interviewed
about climate change


Tabor said...

I know!! Dammit!

Cait O'Connor said...

I wish they were more bothered about everything, young people.

Louise said...

I know some that are bothered and know more about it than many. So there is hope!

Erratic Thoughts said...

hmmm...There is still hope...:)

Carl said...

They will be at some point.

Kay said...

sad, scary and profound... all in one.

Proves my theory that it is better to use our senses to learn, rather than reading about far-off seemingly non-existant lands/times/happenings

Helen said...

Timely haiku! We just had this conversation around the dinner table last night ... young people? We will continue to adjust was the concensus. Interesting perspective for this almost 70-year old.

(thank you for commenting on my little poems)

Paul C said...

Each generation moves through their set of values and concerns, evolving paradigms perhaps?