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Saturday 1 January 2011


midnight      the new year
orange blossoms fill the sky -
many hot air balloons


David Cranmer said...

Happy New Year, David!

CiCi said...

It has been a pleasure to enjoy your poetry, stories, artwork, and your kind comments. I look forward to all the fun posts on your blog in 2011.

Dave King said...

Thanks David, and a very happy new year to you.

Much appreciated, as all your comments have been. A great new year to you and yours.

Shadow said...

quite a few images captured in these few words. nicely done. happy new year!!!

Kass said...

Orange blossoms. What a pleasant surprise.

I look forward to many more from your point of view.

Helen said...

Wishing you the happiest year EVER! Kass is right, orange blossoms are perfect for ushering in a new year. Ah, the fragrance.

angryparsnip said...

What a lovely haiku...
the orange blossoms plus balloons as the surprise.

I will be looking forward to reading more in the New Year.

cheers, parsnip

Windsmoke. said...

Wonderful!. Happy New Year to you and your family.

Dave King said...

Thanks - and the blessings of the season to you and yours.

Always good to have your comments.

They should be standard, maybe... Happy New Year to you and yours.

Thanks - and I shall be looking forward to hearing from you. Happy New Year.

Thanks. Happy New Year.