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Monday 3 January 2011


They are more caring
they've more life experience
they're over sixty


Gerry Snape said...

Yes! and I've just read the report in the Times so it must be true!
anyway just listening to, " don't get around much any more" also seems like a good theme.

Unknown said...

Let's hear it for them! Happy New Year to you, Dave.

WV: reepoope - great new word for the new year!

Tabor said...

If 'they' is me...sounds good.

CiCi said...

Yes, yes, yes. I will be sixty five next month and it is an enriching and rewarding time.

Kass said...

Yay for us over sixties!

Helen said...

I want this imprinted on a t=shirt! I will be 70 this year!!!

* might consider changing the 'they' to WE for MY shirt.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I read this too Dave but am not sure that you can correlate age and caring nature.

Linda Sue said...

^0 and beyond seems to be the most relaxed i have ever been, thus "caring" is easier, also I am not raging with hormones and drive. Not a hell of a lot to do now, except sit back and "care"...

LR Photography said...

...and they can be a sugar daddy!

Hehehe...I really like this one Dave.

The lady in Red said...

Dear Dave, nice post, by the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR.... all the best for you and yours in 2011!

Best wishes,

Unknown said...

I just made the cut! Thank you for this lovely haiku. It has lifted my spirits today. Happy New Year, Dave.

Dave King said...

Thanks all I do agree it would have been better to have written we. It was but modesty that prevented me! I have to say, though, that I related exactly to Lind Sue's comment.