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Monday 21 February 2011

Preserved in Amber

From the prompt by 120 socks

preserved in amber

thing of beauty
object of study

preserved in amber

not by any hand of man
for science
on some aesthetic whim
or vanity

a work of nature
at the time
a tragedy


Louise said...

Great poem Dave, and glad the amber image brought it to be. Are you happy for me to link this on the poetry bus as well?

Dave King said...

120 Socks
Thanks for that. Yes, quite happy. I haven't been doing that. I will in future.

Louise said...

Cool, thanks Dave.

anthonynorth said...

Yes, this happened often in the deep, deep past, it seems. Nice one.

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

I have a thing of beauty preserved in amber. The last words of this poem are so tenderly intense.
Sweet greetz!

Carl said...

Mother Nature's time machine!

Carl said...

Mother Nature's time machine!

izzy said...

Love the poem ! and very true- thanks!

CiCi said...

Some things are not to be controlled by man. Very good poem. Hope you are doing well.

Helen said...

I will admit to a bit of that vanity .. I own an amber cross I wear on a silver chain. I enjoyed this, Dave.

angryparsnip said...

Great poem.
The last verse is wonderful.

cheers, parsnip

Wusel's... said...

Thank you SO much.
I have a very important (but also very boring) paper to write and your kind words made my day.

Doctor FTSE said...

Hooray! AT LAST a poem about what I thought the prompt was . . i.e. amber. Which now seems to have vanished. Typical Poetry Bus disorganisation.

Nice poem, Dave. As usual.

Rose said...

delightful capture!

Windsmoke. said...

Mother Natures little amber time capsule :-).

Lydia said...

Without an image I am imagining a bee caught in amber centuries ago. I saw a photo of one in an encyclopaedia when I was a child and did not then have the words to describe my emotions. Now I do.

Kass said...

Nice poem about nature's jewelry.

Dave King said...

Is it not still happening?

Momo Luna
Thank you. A gracious comment.
Good way of looking at it!

Thanks for the comment.

Yup, doing well, thank you. Hope it is the same for you. Agree with the remark.

Not done for vanity. Making use of what's done is different!

Much appreciated remark. Thanks.

Thanks. Hope the paper was a knock-out!

Thanks - surprise, surprise! It's usually me, the disorganised one.

Much thanks.


Welcome, Lydia and thank you for visiting and commenting. I, too, remeber seeing a creature - a beetle - caught in one my Grandmother had. I thought then that it was a tragedy and so sad.

Thanks Kass.

MuseSwings said...

Wonderful capture in amber! I imagine the little bubbles around the insect caught in time are it's last breaths. Amber is a beautiful tragedy

Paul C said...

A work of nature at the time of tragedy...showing there is an eternal cycle or balance there.

Peter Goulding said...

When you think about it, this thing of beauty is a living creature being buried alive! But it is beautiful nonetheless.

David Cranmer said...

One of your best endings, sir.