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Tuesday 2 February 2010

Poetry is - My Poetry is - Art is

Poetry is...

I am deeply indebted to Jim at The Truth About Lies for this first piece, Poetry is. It is an 81 minute video from George Quasha, and you will find it on
the Ron Silliman Blog

After which, there is yet another treat in store for you - another video in the same series, this one, Art is.

Both Jim and I found that it took a couple of tries, presumably because the site is very busy, but I can assure you that both videos are well worth the trouble.

My Poetry is

My poem Sometimes the house will breathe for me has been published on the Salamander magazine site. It was posted last Saturday. I must admit I am rather over the moon about it as Annie, the editor, approached me about it, not the other way around. Anyway you can click on the above link to... but of course, I was forgetting... you've read it - here - havn't you?

Haiku #37

Ground Hog Day - or Candlemass.
Celebrating winter's end
more snow - or Virgin purity.


@ctors Business said...

Congratulations Dave, well deserved. I think that this maybe one of the first of your blogs that I read. My breathe was taken away. I always look forward to your posts.

Karen said...

Congratulations! I love that poem!Thanks for the video recommendation, too. I must try that when the workday is through. Groundhog Day! Let's hope...

Rachel Green said...

Thanks for the video links. Your poem is beautiful. Poetry is? Poetry is... that.

rain on Imbolc indicates an early spring

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news Dave :) I hadnt read the poem before, but I just nipped over to Salamander and as usual your words are really exquisite!

steven said...

dave - congratulations! i re-read the poem and thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated it. thanks also for the links to the videos. i started in on the "art is" title and realized that i need quiet and space to fully appreciate it, so i've bookmarked it for another time and space. have a great day. steven

Tabor said...

It must make you feel to good to learn that someone wants to publish what you love to do! This Haiku I got and it made me smile.

Carl said...

Great news Dave!
and a wonderful Haiku to boot.


Raj said...

finally!!! you get some recognition.
if i were a publisher i would really make a book on your poems. they are to say the least. exquisite. but i guess you already know that.

the more snow at winters end part is actually happening here. :(

Rizkyzone said...

I like your post.....

coment n' folow back friend.... I'm blogger from Indonesia

Unknown said...

Hi Dave,

I hadn't seen your poem before and think it beautiful. Annie knows how to pick 'em.

Have glimpsed the two videos but they obviously need time to watch and digest.

Dorraine said...

Wow, Dave. You breathed life right into the walls of that house. Splendid job. Congratulations! Very well deserved.

JeannetteLS said...

Problem with video is you cannot stop and digest in bits, return to some. My system's old, so it was hard to listen to all. Regardless, for me? It's in the reading of the poems themselves, and I jumped over and read "Sometimes the house..." It touched me and unsettled me. I love it when both things happen. I keep assuming you are a published poet, making at least part of your living as one... It would appear I am mistaken. How sad, because I think a whole lot of NONbloggers would find your work soothing, uplifting, funny, unsettling, or just plain BEAUTIFUL.

So there. I guess I told you! As always, thank you for YOUR words of support to me. what a fine place blogspot is... keep running into talent and kindness united.

#37 is FUN.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Congratulations Dave - well deserved. I hope some of your haiku get an airing as well - they are really good. Love today's.

Tommaso Gervasutti said...

Dear Dave, I am glad to hear that that powerful poem of yours has been published, I think it should happen more and more often for others of yours, the one about the secret place or tunnel in the trees for example.
But I understand why you have been contacted instead of the other way round.
You have already very many readers here.

Cloudia said...

Congratulations, Dave.

I love these little gems of yours.

Aloha, Friend!

Comfort Spiral

Ronda Laveen said...

Very nice piece that got published. I missed it the first time around so was glad to have the opportunity for a second chance. I was a worthy read. I can see why you are over the moon.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I had read it here in the past, but enjoyed reading it again on the delightfully named "Salamander Cove."

Dave King said...

Gwei Mui
Many thanks for that.

Yes, though I still haven 't seen it through. It went unresponsive on me. Must get back to it.

Thanks - and so I understand.

Thanks. It's a really good site, isn't it?

Thanks a lot. Wise move, it will repay concentrated study, I think.

Exactly right! Smiling's good.

Thanks both times!

No, I didn't actually know that, but many thanks for the sentiment. No chance of you setting up as a pub lisher, I suppose?

A warm welcome to you. Really good to have you along.

Thanks for the kind words. Yes, I agree, they do need time.

Hi and welcome. Many thanks to you for stopping by to comment.

No, it would be stretching things a bit to claim that I am a published poet! Only self-published - on the internet. Your compliments are a great tonic, though. Thank you for them.

The Weaver of Grass
Kind words, very kindly received. Thanks.

The support I get from folk like yourself is more than enough to keep me going. My thanks.

Much thanks

Really good of you to say so.

Yes, I had not known about Salamander until I heard from Annie.