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Monday 8 March 2010

Doodles in the woods

A couple of friends were good enough to say of my March 2 doodles that they would like to see some examples that were not doodles. In fact, I fear they all are. I have neither the ability nor the equipment to be able to visualise the effect I want and then go get it. Doodling is what I do. Sometimes an effect will suggest something and I will try to follow it or enhance it or whatever to see where it leads, but it always begins with doodling. However, there are degrees of doodling, I suppose, so here, for what they are worth and without initial comment, three of my more focussed "doodles" - and one original photograph.

Enchanted Wood

Encounter in the Wood

Bare Trees

Autumn Trees


Elisabeth said...

Fantastic, Dave. I love the originals, but your doodles work even better.

Karen said...

Nice! I agree with Elisabeth.

Shadow said...

i love the 'bare trees'

@ctors Business said...

Hi Dave what sumptious "doodles". I especially love the first one the lush green really makes it for me

Jinksy said...

Autumn Trees has definitely got a portal to another dimension in the centre...

Carl said...

Love the Enchanted wood doodle.


The Turning Point said...

Encounter in the wood.


Unknown said...

Hi Dave,

These are all great but I particularly like Autumn trees and Enchanted Wood.

Tabor said...

Definitely there is a style. My stuff is really doodling and mostly mistakes. These do say something about how you see t he world.

simply me said...

beautiful that is the only word i have to say :) simply beautiful

JeannetteLS said...

Perhaps the only difference between a doodle and a piece of art is our own attitude. unique and beautiful, Dave... Beautiful is beautiful.

So there, too! I guess we all told YOU!

Matangi Mawley said...

autumn trees... inspiring.. liked the haiku on oscar too.. :)

nice blog!

Tess Kincaid said...

Ooo, nice. I especially like the last one, Dave.

Rachel Fenton said...

Autumn trees is stunning.

Kass said...

Definitely an art form of its own, this doodling.

Fragrant Liar said...

Those are quite the "doodles," though I would actually call them "art."

Ronda Laveen said...

I'm not sure I call thoose "doodles." They look like pretty complete pieces to me. I enjoy each one in a different way.
The luminosity of the being in the woods is very eerie.

Linda Sue said...

Very cool- If I knew how I could spend hours doing that sort of thing!

jack sender said...

Compliments to you, Dave. I'd like a wall size version of one of these to live with and metaphorically walk into now and then.

Dave King said...

Thanks - but Bare Trees the only original. Enchanted Wood is itself a doodle.

Thanks Karen

Actually, so do I - I have used it several times now, in different ways.

That's interesting. I doodled Encounter in the Woods partly because I was disappointed with Enchanted Wood, so that's a useful observation. Thanks .

Thanks junksy. I have a soft spot for that one.

Much thanks - commen ts made to Gwei apply.

The Turning Point
Much appreciated. Thanks.

Again, as above. Gratyeful for the comment.

Again, an interesting comment and helpful, for which I am very grateful

simply me
Welcome and thanks.

I think there is a lot of truth in that, though some would argue otherwise, I guess. Thanks again for a much appreciated comment.

Mantangi Mawley
Welcome to my blog and much than ks for taking time out to comment. All commen ts very much appreciated.

Many thanks willow.

Glad you like that one - my favourite!

Maybe I should cash in on that, then. Fame at last!

Fragrant Liar
Hi and welcome. Bless you for that!

Thanks Ronda. The luminosity was achieved by three (very slightly) overlapping and semi transparent "pastes" of the figure.

Linda Sue
It's not rocket science and the programmes didn't break the bank. I did absolutely just play, especially at the beginning - which is why I call them doodles. Back then it was mainly to get familiar with the software.

Welcome to the blog. I don't think the resolution would stan d up to wall size, b ut I like the walking into bit. Grateful for the comment.

Conda Douglas said...

These are gorgeous, Dave.

Dorraine said...

Enchanted Wood-oh...it feels as though some luminous being might pop out from behind a tree! Wow factor, Dave.

Dick said...

What a palate the graphics programs offer. My partner Emma manipulates Photoshop with all the savoir faire of one who has been using it since its first tentative form. And she was impressed with these so that further validates my admiration for them!

Dave King said...

Thanks for the kind words, Conda.

Welcome and mt thanks to you for stoppinf by to comment.

I really appreciate that, but somewhat envy your partner her Photoshop. One day I shall have to fork out for it. I know I will, but... ah, well.

Nikki... said...

My first visit to your blog and am in love with your doddles :)

Felicitas said...

Dave, these are REALLY beautiful! Definitely not doodles in my opinion!

Dave King said...

Thanks for visiting and for the comment. Much appreciated.

Dave King said...

Welcome to the blog. Many thanks for visiting and for stopping by to comment.Hope to see you again.

Cloudia said...

Wow, sir!

Susie Hemingway said...

Delightful distinctive doodles for our delectation.

readingsully2 said...

Love these images.

Ali said...

amazing work....

Dave King said...

I can't recall when I was last wowed! Thanks.

Thanks for that.

Good of you to say so, thanks.

Welcome and thanks

Dibakar Sarkar said...

The road not taken...