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Wednesday 28 April 2010

Distorted? Moi?

Amazed at the level of interest shown in my recent images of hands and feet, though less so in  the question of whether they or the face best show the personality, the above is offered to complete the portfolio as it were. I thought visitors might better be able to decide for themselves in which image or images the character seems most authentic.

My thanks to all for your interest and contributions.


Unknown said...

amazing finale!

steven said...

very funky dave!!!! steven

Carl said...


Barry said...

TA DA! Great finale Dave!

The face wins, I think.

Unknown said...

My money's on this one, Dave!

Tess Kincaid said...

Oh, it's the face, hands down! I love it. LOVE it!!

Elisabeth said...

Amazing, a shocker. Wonderful face with so much character.

ArtistUnplugged said...

Wow, this face is full of character. Went back to look at the hands and feet photos to catch up. I enjoyed them, they can tell alot....age, work, pain. I always think of my mother's hands, they weren't pretty, but the touch of them, not smooth but had done so much for others, that's what I still miss the most. The hands have it.

Friko said...

what happened here? Psycho?

You'll forgive me if I step out of the way when I am confronted with the face, won't you.

Tabor said...

I must say that focusing on the nose hair says it all!

The Turning Point said...

You have a nose for what's new.


Linda Sue said...

Squished nose and chin- I always look for that in a person- most appealing!I can almost HEAR that loud long steady AHHHHH coming from your pipes.Well done!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Right out of Star Wars.

Ronda Laveen said...

Face...FOR SURE! So funny!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Is that a laugh or a scream Dave?

Kass said...

Love all your images. The face-press makes me laugh.

readingsully2 said...


@ctors Business said...

Most definitely the face. It allows the world to see story of a life - great picture.

Anonymous said...

HAHA. Good job. That was a little bit scary... LOL
Have a good day!:)

Dave King said...

My thanks all, I must say the posts proved more popular than I had anticipated. To answer those I can:-
It's me entertaining the kiddy winks at their Sunday School party, of course - I'm surprised no one spotted that!
Hope you get good odds Derrick
Shocking is as shocling does, to misquote my old gran, Elisabeth
Have to say I'm for Jim's full length, but the technique used doesn't lend itself to that, ArtistUnplugged
A touch of... Friko
Glad you noticed that, Taborwas afraid it might have been overlooked!
Squished, Linda? That's cultivated!
Definitely, Weaver

Marion McCready said...

Wow that was a surprise, what fun!! I love your hand and feet portraits!

Dave King said...

Thanks for that. Good to have made contact again.