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Tuesday 6 April 2010

Haiku #106

In the corner shop
Cards "With Deepest Sympathy" -
Buy one get one free.


steven said...

that way you can share the depth of care. steven

Unknown said...

Hi Dave,

A bargain's a bargain!

On Radio 3 this morn, I heard of research that shows British workers are at their most productive at 11.33 am on Tuesdays (I think). Immediately thought of your NQH!

CiCi said...

Ha, great, we can always use the second card for the next one. Your humor knows no bounds, Dave.

@ctors Business said...

That way you can cover all possibilites! It's amazing what commercialism can do these days isn't it

Kass said...

Anticipate grief.
It's universal and close,
borrowing your time.

Dave, your haiku really sets my mind at unease which I'm hoping will create new synapses and prolong clarity.

Barry said...

Oh, that's too funny Dave. I love that haiku.

Linda Sue said...

HA HA HA HA I guess that is something one can count on! Very funny, Dave. Love this one!

Helen said...

My chuckle for the day ~ we ARE a 'buy one, get one free' society!

Dan Gurney said...

Don't you love the irony? Oh my. Deep sympathy for shallow pockets.

Do you think it could be inviting trouble to stock up on these cards?

Thank you for the chuckle this morning.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Oh Dave - is that really true? I hate sympathy cards anyway - I think it is the one occasion when one should really put pen to paper. I am full of admiration for the way you are keeping up this haiku thingy - you are going to have a field day now the election has been announced (yawn).

Conda Douglas said...

Nothing like saving money on death, Dave!

Dave King said...

Another torrent of unanimity!
Kass set me thinking thus:

Clarity synapse?
At my age any synapse
gains bargain status.

Tomorrow's is my first for the election, Weaver.

I did love Dan's deep sympathy for shallow pockets.

Thanks again everyone.

Anonymous said...

Thta's brilliant! So macabre. perfect.

Thanks for your visit to my blog.


Dorraine said...

You're quite clever, Dave! Love the way you think.