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Tuesday 12 April 2011


It's the invisibility of space
that makes it so appealing to the eyes.
It's what we cannot hear that makes each sound
a prized possession
and a silence so profound,
for silence too is spatial
and space a place for resonance.
We long for both,
their attributes and shape,
the way they fold around us and become
one gown to hide our nakedness.
We wear it like a shroud.


Shadow said...

i like this. i really, really like this.

nouvelles couleurs - vienna atelier said...

so truely...

Elisabeth said...

I think we tend to underestimate space, Dave, and gaps and white paper. They help us to see more clearly what's there. Without then everything would be be one indistinguishable blob.

Corinna said...

Love it. Silence is powerful and space is a human necessity. I love the line "the way they fold around us..."

Mariana Soffer said...

Beautiful poem, It reminds me of the fact that we do not see what is always there, it becomes invisible and inexistent to us.

Hannah Stephenson said...

So true....it makes me think of Wallace Stevens's last line of the Snow Man..."Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is."

CiCi said...

Just because we can't see something doesn't mean nothing is there. What a lovely robe to hide beneath. As if it were possible.

Dick said...

I love a good space poem and this gets it so right.
'It's what we cannot hear that makes each sound
a prized possession
and a silence so profound,
for silence too is spatial
and space a place for resonance'.
One of your very best, Dave.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Another good one Dave. I often think that the negative shapes around objects are more interesting than the objects themselves.

flaubert said...

Oh, Dave, this is wonderful. I especially like this;
"for silence too is spatial
and space a place for resonance."


Windsmoke. said...

Once again you've nailed it, very enjoyable indeed :-).

lucychili said...


Sebab said...

Space makes me think and think and think deeper.

Dave King said...

Gladdens my old heart, does a comment like that! Thanks for it.

nouvelles couleurs

Absolutely right. Like the pauses in a piece of music.

Thanks. Much appreciated.

It does. It's a form of taking for granted, I suppose.

Good reminder. Thank you for that.

All things are possible... I used to be told. Part of me still believes it.

Thanks Dick. That is greatly appreciated.

Weaver of Grass
You have a painter's eye, obviously. That's where it all begins.

Thanks again for another encouraging comment.

Much thanks.

Hi, and welcome. Many thanks for the visit and kind comment.

Positive space, I hope! Thanks.