Pure, unbounded sex they are!
Kings by day
and monarchs of the night,
they have it made,
the spiders with their sexual flair
and awful potency.
Of all our fears, we fear the most
their prowess in the web.
They have monopolised the field:
good sex, bad sex,
they have it all, who hang their wares
upon the nearest tree
and tease us as we try to pass,
their long legs in our way.
What are these wares of theirs?
Why, nothing less
than organs of the tender trap
made in situ
and deployed outside the body!
Beauty becomes them
and becomes the trap.
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What a disturbing poem, Dave!
Spiders or prostiutes... now there's a thought: Arachnid prostitutes.
They have monopolised the field:
good sex, bad sex,
they have it all, who hang their wares
upon the nearest tree
and tease us as we try to pass,
their long legs in our way.
Excellent take. Just shows how persistent is the cob-webs network
. . . and each web is spun anew each morning. She eats her web each night, whether before or after she eats her mate, who knows?
I will never look at a spider web the same way again. LOL.
I like "Beauty becomes them
and becomes the trap." Perhaps not only true of spiders!!!
I had an episode with a spider last night!!! They ARE terrifying. i think I could add a verse or two to your poem, Lol! Although, it's just great the way it is.
Yes, quite a thought that, I can see that might be the stuff that nightmares are made of!
The arachnonetwork? Wish I'd thought of that!
My guess is the web is the sweet course, but either way you make the poin very well that we are right to be afeared of them!
Thanks Mary. I think your last point is probably well made. Indeed, not only true of spiders!
Agreed. They can be terrifying. By all means add a verse or two, we could even open it up, turn it into a public composition. Good to have your visit and response. Thanks a lot.
Yes, or yucky yes! Hate it when they get in my mouth...the webs.
never knew spiders had it so good on the sex side...need to look into that in case i get to choose what i come back as...lol...do love to see their art webs...
I would tag this poem as ABSTRACT! and Beautiful Abstract..abstract yet simple to grab..good work Dave:-)
I would tag this poem as ABSTRACT! and Beautiful Abstract..abstract yet simple to grab..good work Dave:-)
Cripes Dave, you're plugging into one of my primal fears here. And just the time that they're all making their way inside...
I got an echo of Blake's Tyger in this.
Marvellous, intense, culminating with the symmetry of the final two lines.
The second stanza says it all for me. I'm not scared of spiders but it is quite annoying when hiking in the the bush and you run headlong into a spider web :-).
This is very interesting...I like how you end it, such truth!
Know what you mean - it happens on my daily trip with the recycle bins.
Now that IS a thought...! Hadn't occurred to me, shall have to work on that one.
Hi, welcome to the blog and thanks for the interesting - and very generous - thought.
Many thanks, yes, I suppose the primal fear is where I started from, but the association with Blake' s high praise indeed, more than a snatch of the Wow factor there!
As always, a response to savour. Many thanks for the thought.
Whatever your take on them its difficult to be neutral and impossible to ignore them.
Good to have you visiting. Thanks for the comment.
Just be careful not to step on them... or hundreds of babies might scatter everywhere.
Dave, an interesting piece of writing.
"Beauty becomes them
and becomes the trap."
Love that bit.
I thought you were not talking about spiders... but I like the creative flair of your words Dave.
Who would have thought spiders are seen actively hanging up their wares....love the last lines too~
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