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Wednesday 2 November 2011

Great News : and Let's Dance!

Unbelievable news yesterday: those good folk at Poets United have chosen my blog as their Blog of the Week! Difficult to express how immensely pleased and grateful I am - not to say surprised! Do pop along and suport them if you have a moment.

Last Sunday Kerry at Imaginary Garden with Real Toads challenged us to produce a poem in Waltz Wave Form. This requires lines of 1,2,1,2,3,2,,2,1,2,3,2,1,2,1 Having not got around to it until last evening - so much excitement in my life of late - I have now come up with this.

puff of
and there
is rhythm
in my
and I
am dancing
with the wind for
Come dance
dance for joy.
When life


Isabel Doyle said...

Congratulations -- well deserved!

Titus said...

Dance of joy indeed Dave! Well done, and yes, definitely deserved.

Christine said...


Jim Murdoch said...

No surprise to me that your blog would get picked, Dave. As for the wee poem? Cute. I’m not a big fan of contrived forms like this. For me form always reveals itself in the writing or comes after the words are down on the page. Which is why I’ve never written a sonnet or a sestina.

jabblog said...

Congratulations - well deserved:-)

Your Waltz Wave verse is a masterpiece!

Carl said...

Congrats on the well deserved honor good sir.

Mary said...

Indeed deserved honor, Dave. You really have a variety of styles to your writing & I hope some new people were drawn to your blog after the write-up.

I was meaning to do the wave poem, but I procrastinated and never did get to it. Nicely crafted!!

haricot said...

Congratulations, Dave!
Quick, quick, slow...
Amusing and elegant. These lines themselves look dancing.

Laurie Kolp said...

Congratulations, Dave!

sunny said...

Hi Mr Dave,its great news,congradulations to you,keep up your good work.

Kerry O'Connor said...

Congrats on being feature on Poets united this week - that is well-deserved. I'm pleased to see you tried out this form - your dance seemed light as air.

Ash said...

Congratulations! These lines are beautiful...

CiCi said...

Congrats on being Blog of the Week. You really are a tremendous poet. OH yeah, you paint too. OH and you write stories.

Dick said...

Congratulations, Dave. And thanks for these drafts of joy as the wind blows hard and long across the fields here.

Tommaso Gervasutti said...

Congratulations Dave for the Poets of The Week.
Great Dance here.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Congratulations - well deserved I would say Dave.
What a clever use of that numerical sequence too.

Windsmoke. said...

Bonza, well done :-).

Rose said...

Congratulations if there is anyone who deserves this it is you indeed.
When life seems ending Dance - a lovely poem as usual:D

Other Mary said...

Congratulations Dave - so richly deserved. :o)

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Oh, I so love this poem, Dave - such lilt and joy in it. I tried this form too, about Wild Woman spending half the day trying to screw her head on - and then I lost the poem! hee hee.

Dave King said...

Much thanks.

Thank you, good of you to say so.

Many thanks.

I can understand that. For me there's the dead serious stuff and the fun stuff. Contrived forms usually come in the latter, but they can also be part of the learning curve and then they become serious by another door.

Thank you for your kind words on both counts. I enjoyed playing with the form. Had never before encountered it.

Thank you very much.

I'm just hoping that "a variety of styles" (not just from you, I might add) isn't code for "haven't found your voice yet"(which I couldn't deny)! Either way, thanks for your very kind comments.

Nice come back. Much appreciated.

Many thanks.

Thanks a lot.

KerryMuch appreciate the congrats and the critique. Thank you.

Hi! Good to have your comments. Thank you for visiting and for saying.

Now you're making me blush. Thanks though!

Yeah, well there's wind and then there's wind. I was just meaning wind. Hope it blows over soon for you.

Thank you for saying so.

Weaver of Grass
Thank you, Weaver. I did find it quite challenging. Made 2 or 3 false starts. Fun, though.


Thank you so much for that. Very greatly appreciated.

Other Mary
Kind words. Thank you.

Sherry Blue Sky
Hi, really good to have you visiting. Thank you for your comments.

Poor, headless woman, no wonder she was wild.

Lolamouse said...

A joyous celebration of a poem! Congratulations on your blog being chosen for Poets United! You definitely deserve the recognition.

The Unknowngnome said...

You so deserve the recognition Dave for all of your wonderful writings and supportive comments you have given all of us. Kudos.

Dave King said...

Thank you so much - on both counts.

The Unknowngnome
A most generous remark. I do thank you for it.