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Tuesday, 5 June 2012


It's reassembled elements:
All are a major part of each:
the dandelion in me,
me in the irritating flea.

The artist understands it all,
has framed a visual metaphor.
A fruitful view of life.
The D.N.A. made edible.
From vegetable to visceral.

Eye of fig and cheek of pear,
ear of corn and skin of grape,
brow of pea and lip of plum
ear of corn and nose of date:
nature's magic everywhere.

The image was contributed as prompt at http://www.magpietales.blogspot.co.uk/


Silent Otto said...

Gday Dave cool, this could well be a metaphor for DNA, i like that concept. Literally magic. Couldnt see the link on magpie, i took the long way here

Daydreamertoo said...

Yes indeed! Loved all the connections here.
I've written something quite similar to your thoughts here for the dVerse prompt today.

Tess Kincaid said...

The dandelion in you...I love that...really love that...

Lydia said...

Wonderful, Dave! I doubt there could be a better description of this image and the interconnectedness of everything on the earth.

Brian Miller said...

ha. very nice...the biodiversity, i like that....and the dandelion in me...that is one of my fav flowers...

haricot said...

Lively image. Each part of it is just an eatable plant, but the whole figure is beyond that.

Other Mary said...

Oh, I like the way your mind, and pen work! Nature's magic indeed, S2 says it so beautifully, and love the line 'From vegetable to visceral' And...it makes me think of Sagan..how we are also star stuff! What an amazing place we live in!

izzy said...

And don't forget the sweet potato!
good piece- thanks.

Helen said...

From vegetable to visceral .. now that is quite the visual!!!

Tommaso Gervasutti said...

Superb. This time the echoes are really metaphysical, John Donne I mean. And the picture, it seems very familiar, first time I saw it it was on a paperback edition of one of the first novels I read by John Updike ( actually ages ago in the 70's when my spoken English was miserable.) The title of the novel was: " A Month of Sundays".

Windsmoke. said...

Very enjoyable connections indeed :-).

Unknown said...

Life feels so wonderful when someone is able to look at work that was composed centuries ago and illustrate in a simple way, the magic the artist managed to create. Thank you for seeing the metaphor, Dave. =D

Mary said...

You have definitely shown nature's connections here, Dave!!

Madeleine Begun Kane said...

Good job on that one. I wish I had that ability to turn images into verse.

Dave King said...

Hi! Good to hear from you. Sorry about the link, but very pleased you made. Thanks for taking the trouble and for your comment.

Daydreamer too
Yup, great minds eh? Thanks for.

Ah, thought that might get a comment! I picked the dandelion because I understand our genomes are so almost identical!

Wow, a comment to dream about! Muchthanks for the kind words.

And mine, oddly enough, though you are one of the few to agree with me. Thanks for the back-up!

Indeed. When does the eatable become inedible, I wonder.

Other Mary
You are so right - and I love the reference to Sagan. Thanks a trillion for that.

I must confess I did have the witches and the heath in mind! Glad it made the connection.
Thanks for your thoughts.

I didn't forget it - I couldn't work it in! But then, I wasn't following the image in that detail anyway. But I did try.

Glad you think so! Thanks.

I find it quite difficult to equate the imeage with Updike, butam happy to accept the reference to Donne - anytime, in fact! Thanks for all.

Thanks so much.

What a thoroughly pleasing response! Very thanks for.

Very much appreciate your comment. Thank you for it.

Hi. Good to have you visiting, and thank you so much for the kind words.

Laurie Kolp said...

This has a wonderful rhythm to it, Dave. I especially like the final stanza.

Gina Gao said...

This is a great piece of poetry. I really liked this post.


Carrie Van Horn said...

Nature's magic indeed....love this Dave! :-)

A Cuban In London said...

Nature, beautiful Mother Nature. And your poem is such a great tribute. I particularly like this stanza:

The artist understands it all,
has framed a visual metaphor.
A fruitful view of life.
The D.N.A. made edible.
From vegetable to visceral.

I don't know why but it made me think of Cezanne.

Greetings from London.

Dulcina said...

A fruitful view of life, yes.
Both sides of humans: the nice dandelion, the irritating flea.
Nature's magic everywhere.
You have "read" this painting deeply and accurately, Dave.
From now on I will look at this creation in a different way, thanks.
If you understand Spanish, I invite you to read one of my last poems in "Doña Eñe"; its title is "Restos" and I deal with this subject too:
I wrote:
En cada uno de nosotros viven los restos
de miles de ancestros, de células de humanos,
de animales, de árboles, de objetos.
(In each of us there live the remains of thousands of ancestors, of cells of human beings, of animals, of trees, of objects.)

Dave King said...

Thanks Laurie, much appreciated.

Hi, good to have your company.
Welcome to the blog. Thanks for the comment.

Thanks so much for saying.

A Cuban in London
Wow! Can't say that I can quite see Cezanne in it, but I'm perfectly happy to accept the comparison! Thanks for it.

Grateful thanks for this as always. I do really appreciate the kind words. Alas, me no speaker the Spanish! Thanks for trying, though!

Dave King said...

I have several times tried to leave a comment on your blog in praise of your great meditation on the end of words etc. Unfortunately I keep getting the "Service Unattainable" notice.

hyperCRYPTICal said...


Anna :o]

Helena said...

Cleverly crafted. I enjoyed a right juicy read there!

The Blog of Bee said...

Nature's magic definitely in this delightful piece of writing.

Anonymous said...

This last sounds like a WholeFoods witch! MacBeth's three crones go to the Market! k.