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Wednesday 17 October 2012

She's Just a Paper Angel...

She's a tissue paper angel,
more fragile than the light --
a whisper of a wind
would blow her out of sight.

She's a daily paper angel
(always breaking news)
she free falls from the stars --
a Baumgartner with the blues.

She's a silver paper angel --
just a sliver cut from God
with a mandate to redeem us
with her wand of goldenrod.

She's a sugar paper angel
with a country pad on Mars
who has built us all a heaven
within a crystal vase.

She's a paper tiger angel,
the Almighty's strict enforcer,
but with thistledown for claws
she'll do no more than purr.

She's a blotting paper angel
who will mop your every tear --
and as an extra bonus
will pulp your darkest fear.

She's an origami angel
whose madly into art
thinks her Sister of the North
has far the hardest part.


Gerry Snape said...

love that Dave..it rolls along beautifully!

Ygraine said...

Yes, love the rhythm. It carries me deep into it's facinating imagery.
Really enjoyed reading this :)

Brian Miller said...

She's a silver paper angel --
just a sliver cut from God
with a mandate to redeem us....ah, lovely man....this is beautiful and has an enchanting rhythm....it gives me peace as well....

kaykuala said...

She's a blotting paper angel
who will mop your every tear
and as an extra bonus
will pulp your darkest fear

The kind that works for me. One that sympathizes with our woes! Nicely Dave!


Jenny Woolf said...

A nice swing to this. It should be set to music for Christmas! :)

The Weaver of Grass said...

Do you think this might be the first mention of Baumgarten is a poem Dave?

Cait O'Connor said...

One of the (many) things I love about your poems Dave is how much they vary in style and content. I love the poem.

Cloudia said...

so packed in it's deceptive simplicity

Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral

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Elephant's Child said...

Rhythmical and beautiful. Thank you.

Anupama K. Mazumder said...

Very nice.. keeps the reader anticipating!


Mary said...

I love this poem, Dave. Each angel has its own personality and use. Enjoyed the style you wrote in and think this would read well aloud.

Dave King said...

Much thanks for saying so.

Thanks. Good to know.

Peace is really good to hear.

It's good you pick this one out - I had thought it might be a lame duck stanza.

Now there's a thought! Thanks for saying.

The Weaver of Grass
It's the first one I know of, Weaver - but will it be the last!

Thanks. It's good to hear you say this, for occasionally it worries me that I am not more consistent style- and content-wise. So really helpful. Thanks again.

Thanks for saying so.

The Elephant's Child
Thank you. really nice compliment.

Hi. Good to have you visiting. Thank you for commenting.

Thank you so much for these comments. They are very satisying to hear - and very helpful.

A Cuban In London said...

I have said a few times now but it's worth repeating it: some of your poems could be turned to songs. I can just imagine this one being played on an acoustic guitar. Marvellous sense of rhythm you have! :-)

Many thanks.

Greetings from London.

Dave King said...

A Cuban in London
Thanks for this. Certainly is worth repeating! I find it extremely pleasing to be able to think of them in this way.