The one that haunts, keeps coming back... Friday afternoon: the class debate. Dicky Bird (Englsh, Literature and Grammar, Lower School) has just this moment introduced his theme (half-promising, the way he always does, we all could be M.Ps. one day): Meccano in the School Curriculum? And now, by way of limbering up, he's going round the room inviting us to say if we possess Meccano sets at home; and if so, which; and how they figure in our leisure hours. (Sets range from 1 to 10. Set 5 or 6 would indicate a lucky bunny.) He gets to me. Set 10! I say. The whole class looks with incredulity. He offers me the chance to backtrack just a bit, but I am adamant. Set 10! I say again. He starts to list out all the parts set 10 includes. I nod at each, stick to my guns! They start to grin. Then giggle. The more they do so, the more I nod. Truth is -- one version of -- I have set 8 plus set 9A. 9A converts set 9 to 10 -- but not, alas, set 8. I'm almost there, but lacking set 8A. I have convinced myself -- almost -- it's near enough to pass for truth. And I keep thinking now... perhaps he saw the spark, perhaps he knew I should have been an M.P. after all.
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Wednesday, 14 November 2012
My Most-Remembered Lie
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I reckon you definitely should have been an MP.
I mean, it may have only been a LITTLE white lie, but the fundamental talent was unmistakably in evidence, wasn't it?! Hehehe :D
ha. thinking back to what might have been mine...there is a sting for sure when we are caught in them...esp if its publically done...
I love it. You can not always reversing.
Great confession: "it's near enough to pass for truth."
I have been very close to this often myself.
Ha ha, I love the ending about you should have beem an MP. If you we're in this country you could gave been a general.
cocky lil fellow. In racy America it was called an "Erector Set" LOL!
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
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You recognised it was a lie. Sorry, that means that you just couldn't be an MP. I have never heard any of the little dears admit to lying. Misunderstandings yes, misinterpretation yes, lying - not a snowball's chance in hell.
And yes, I am wearing my cynical hat today.
To all
Many thanks for your rather avried replies -- but surprisingly little censure. I guess we've most of us got by at some point with something close to the truth! It's just that, unlike M.P.s perhaps, we don't make a habit of it, so are not so professionally competent at it.
Thanks again.
Ha, I loved the ending! Yes, maybe politics should have been your call. Great poem. Thanks.
Greetings from London.
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