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Thursday 21 March 2013


A place for everything,
my mother said,
and everything in its place.
But not so easy when
reflections flood
and spill out of their space,
when trees take root
where chairs alone should stand.

This is a concertina world...
the sun glides round, and as it moves,
light's bellows play
their silent, visual tunes:
a maple leaf, four jonquil blooms,
two maple leaves, an orchid (blue),
an orchid (white), two candle flames,
a chair back and a cushion. Stop.

Move self or head, stand up, sit
down. Relax. Move back. An image moves,
sets off a one-arm-bandit sort of roll.
Then STOP! and fancy that
you hear the fall of coins.

All things are possible
where shadows fall
on rays of light.
This palimpsest of rooms has several keys.

The subject was set as prompt by Peggy Goetz at Poetry Jam


Susan Lindquist said...

Oh my, you have truly caught the mental rolodex whirl of reflecting on the past, the present, the future ... this IS a concertina world! Wonderful, David ... just wonderful.

Helen said...

I also found the concept of a concertina world enchanting .... lovely poem, Mr. Dave!!

Laurie Kolp said...

This is lovely, Dave. I especially like the second stanza... what a wonderful view on life!

Cloudia said...

Concertina world as seen by natural, young, string theorist, mystic, who still see's much wisdom in the palimpsest others eyes never catch.

Aloha, D

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I particularly love the choice of picture to accompany this poem...very apropos.

Peggy said...

I like this Dave. Wonderful word images!

Brian Miller said...

ha. nice...the last line in this is really cool...the room and a number of keys...kinda like those memories...unlock some of those doors and it all comes spilling out...the use of concertina is cool in this as well..

kaykuala said...

A place for everything,
my mother said,
and everything in its place.

Beautiful play of word craft, Dave! The opening itself is classic and it follows right through all the way. Fantastic!


Mary said...

Dave, these are wonderful reflections!! I will be thinking of the concertina world. Smiles.

Tommaso Gervasutti said...

A poem for contemplation. Sunglight and shadows I can really share. Powerful final stanza.

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Oh Dave - pure brilliance - it plays to me. Lovely.

Anna :o]

alan1704 said...

All things are possible
where shadows fall
on rays of light.

Love this, the image that light makes everything possible. Great feeling and great words.

A Cuban In London said...

I loved the ending:

All things are possible
where shadows fall
on rays of light.
This palimpsest of rooms has several keys.

A lovely contrast between the shadows and the light. Many thanks.

Greetings from London.

Elephant's Child said...

I love the concertina world. And indeed, what IS the right place for memories, for reveries? I know not. Whirling by for me to catch by their tails perhaps.

Manicddaily said...

Wonderful. So cool. k.

artbyrae said...

Everything in its place is ...yes and that does not work for reflections and sunlight for it goes where it wants to go
Nice poem!!

haricot said...

I feel as if I strayed into a huge kaleidoscope...You captured well the elusive elements. Great!

Dave King said...

Thanks so much as always to Everyone for the trouble taken to leave your thoughts and kind words. Everything said is very much valued and thought about.

Unknown said...

I had to look up palimpsest - thanks for teaching me a new word! Once I understood the meaning, I loved that line! How a paper can be reused, shadows changing a room, and the many keys both can hold.