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Thursday 30 September 2010

Night Woods - and Haiku #275

Another of my "mixed media" efforts.

Germany pays up
this Saturday - it clears its debt
for the first World War.


Unknown said...

Your painting is very ethereal, Dave. I love the blue/green and purple shades.
Hooray, the drinks are on Angela!
WV: modcares - I bet they do!

Shadow said...

what? for real???

Dianne said...

beautiful, Dave. You have quite an eye.

Gerry Snape said...

love that dreamy painting Dave and is that for real about Germany, I hope so?

Conda Douglas said...

Oooh, great painting for the Fall Equinox/beginning of October. Very evocative, to me, of change.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Love the blueness.

FIRST world war - haven't they started on the second yet?

Dorraine said...

The colors you chose give it a haunting quality, but there is a spiritual element too. As usual, nice work, Dave!

Linda Sue said...

Oh I would like to wander those woods in an orange dress!

Windsmoke. said...

The painting is very spiritual and magical and at the same time out of this world. Now the German's have to start paying off their debits for world war 2.

Kass said...

Both the painting and the Haiku are compelling.

Karen said...

Love the colors, Dave.

Dave King said...

DerrrickIn fact, I think I may have got carried away by it, but many thanks for the comment.

I guess so!

Thanks Dianne. Much appreciated.

Thanks - and yes, I'm sure it's for real.

Yes, I see that. Thanks for it.

Weaver of Grass
Thanks. Definitely FIRST! Don't know about the second. Maybe we let them off that one!

Thanks, an encouraging response.

Linda Sue
That would be just great!

Thanks for the comment. Most encouraging! Agreed, but don't know what the situation is re WWII.

Thanks for that Kass.

Thanks Karen.

Harlequin said...

the image is haunting and lovely; the haiku is haunting and a necessary reminder of the importance of memory.

Dave King said...

Thanks for those remarks. As I have taken to saying of late... memory? Yes, I remember that!

Jinksy said...

That's an exceedingly humanoid tree dancing around in the foreground - I can nearly see it move...

Erratic Thoughts said...

You are one fine painter :)