Apocalypse is now...
The prophesies fulfilled...
They're out in force again
who spout the end of all,
of this and other worlds,
all to be grist for God's
new mills. Each fresh mischance
brings our end nigh again.
Nothing lasts for ever,
that much is true, we know:
our sun, our world and all
our fine abstractions, soon
will crumble into dust.
The Great Collider's search *
for God's own particle
confirming The Big Bang
has so far drawn a blank.
I'll take some comfort if
Continuous Creation *
gets kicked back intp play.
It seemed the way to go
when I was just but a kid.
In the beginning: words.
And yes, words meant a lot,
but words were syllables
and could be decomposed
to make new words. As old
worlds passed away new worlds
were being born. The Word
made whole and new again.
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I have always wondered about Man’s fascination with how we got here. Is ‘here’ not enough for us to worry about? (I refer to your Lark poem.) What changes is the Steady State Theory is proved to be more accurate that the Big Bang Theory or the Oscillating Theory? What’s that got to do with the price of cheese?
Funny thing is, for a myriad of negative reasons, I bleated on facebook (My God is that what I'm reduced to?) 'What is the point, why do we bother?'
But maybe this is why we bother. To create.
Very thoughtful. Thanks for the links (*) to the articles. Your poem brought it all together beautifully.
Creation in the face of destruction. It's how we go on.
I know, I know, but maybe lets take solice in the little miracles of everyday, and yes create, another great one from you Dave.
In the beginning was the word
And the word was God
Good poem and thought provoking topic. A myriad of interpretations for this one
Continuous creation...yes
Old testament to new...yes
The new words...maybe as flawed as the old
The Word made whole and new again..debatable,possibly not!
Thoughtful and soooo wisely done. Love it :)
Much love
It's a logical question, Jim, but I doubt it has a logical answer. There are logical justifications in plenty, but I guess it simply comes down to man's curiosity. Other worlds will always fascinate, whether they be from this one's past or things more alien. Wanting to know does not imply that this one is not enough.
To create or be recreated? Interesting response. Thanks.
Thanks for saying so, Kass.
Yes, it surely is. In some respects they are opposite sides of the same coin.
120 Socks
I couldn't agree more about taking solace in the little miracles of everyday. In a funny sort of way, though, continuous creation speaks to me of an eternity - maybe not a personal one, but an eternity, nevertheless - which does not seem implicit in the big bang theory.
I can go along with all that. Thanks for it.
Short Poems
Good to have you visiting. You are very welcome. Thanks for the comment.
Very poignant, Dave.
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