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Thursday, 24 March 2011

Where woodland, snow and water meet.

You know how memory conflates
long strings of things we've done or seen
into a single image symbolizing all,
how it subsumes a dozen walks
in a familiar place
into a walk that represents them all...
Here I have tried to find a token for
a walk through woodland to the sea
that fits a single frame.

(Click on the image to enlarge.)


Anonymous said...

I hadn't thought along those lines before - but it's true ... all merge into one.

Hannah Stephenson said...

Really interesting...so true. It gets condensed (or compiled?) into one representative image...

Rose said...

The memories fit well into the pixels, wonderful! And how well they fit! Beautiful image and words!

Carl said...

A sort of compressed 'high emotional range ' image.

Very cool Dave. I hiked this morning after an early spring snow.


Louise said...

I love your words on this,(you have a way with them as my mother used to say) and the image also.

David Cranmer said...

Nice marrriage of photo and words, Dave.

Corinna said...

We do have a very efficient brain that wraps things together to find continuity. Lovely.

Sebab said...

Beautiful Picture and nice thoughts.

CiCi said...

The colors in the photo are great. I like the purple here and there. I never thought about how we compress many things into one memory like this. Gives me something to think about.

Dave King said...

I used to think it was my faulty brain. Then I discovered that it happened to other people, too.

Certainly, it does for me.

What a splendid remark! Thanks for it.

Now you are making me envious! Good for you, though.

120 Socks
Very many thanks for the comment. Much appreciated.

thanks David.

Fluid Idleness
Hi, and a warm welcome to you. Good to have you visiting. It certainly does provide a continuity of sorts, but I rather suspect the motive is to economise on memory cells.

Welocme to the blog. Thanks for visiting and for commenting.

It happens most for me - or I am aware of it most - when, for example, I've made the same or similar walk many times. After a while it becomes one walk, but with all the important images still there and vivid.