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Saturday 8 September 2012

The Wisley Sculpture Trail

Here are some of the images I promised you in Thursday's post. As I mentioned, The Surrey Sculpture Association's annual sculpture trail at Wisley is a great favourite of ours. This year there were 64 exhibits, mostly set in sympathetic surroundings. Inevitably, the quality varies considerably but for me the chief delight is seeing them in those attractive surroundings, and it was this aspect more than any other that I tried to capture with the camera.
Peacock (Steel)

     Fish (Steel)        Golden Eagle (Bronze Resin)

Promise (Cement)and Faith Hope Love (Slate resin)

Self Preservation (Serpentine stone) : Otters (Iron resin)

Embrace (Aluminium resin)


kaykuala said...

It's fascinating,Dave! There is permanency in their creation. Thanks for sharing!


Brian Miller said...

these are really cool...wow faith hope and love feels a bit solemn...i like the otters and the other animals in the collection...

Elephant's Child said...

How lovely. The otters have my heart I think, but many of them are simply great. Thank you Dave, I really appreciate this photo tour.

Claudia said...

very cool sculptures..touched by self preservation..so intense..wow..would love to take a walk there as well

Mary said...

Very nice, Dave! I especially like the peacock and the golden eagle!

Daydreamertoo said...

They are all good but, I love the otters, they could even be real in the pose they have. Thanks for sharing Dave

Anonymous said...

Super lovely! Thanks so much for sharing.

You know I live near a little sculpture garden in NYC by Tom Otterness - I don't know if you've ever heard of him - does Bronze sculptures that are incredibly satiric and yet playful and charming.

These in your pics are lovely and you are right - the settings look great. Sometimes things look just sort of stuck there, but these work. k.

Anonymous said...

Super lovely! Thanks so much for sharing.

You know I live near a little sculpture garden in NYC by Tom Otterness - I don't know if you've ever heard of him - does Bronze sculptures that are incredibly satiric and yet playful and charming.

These in your pics are lovely and you are right - the settings look great. Sometimes things look just sort of stuck there, but these work. k.

hyperCRYPTICal said...

How odd Dave! I have not long left a comment on Facebook re an image of a steel bird on which I remarked that I had purchased a steel sculpture (made of spanners, etc.) of a peacock (which due to sharp steel angles is too dangerous to have pride of place in my garden – it lives in my bedroom) several moons ago!

Anna :o]

Rachel Cotterill said...

Oh, wow. Amazing. I love outdoor sculpture gardens and now I really want to go here! :)

Dave King said...

Another general response, but carrying a really heart-felt thank you to all for your appreciative comments.

Ygraine said...

These sculptures are truly amazing!
Wisley is quite near to me here in Winchester, so I must visit next time.
Your photos are stunning :)

Dave King said...

Certainly worth the trip. Thanks for your thoughts.

A Cuban In London said...

The peacock looked real at first sight. :-) Stunning works. I'm always blown away by what people can make with metal.

Greetings from London.