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Tuesday 18 December 2012

The Rapper Bird and I

Take the rap, take the rap, the rapper bird tapped
deep in my sleep, on my window pane, in a slurry of rain
with a tweet or two in the heat of the rap, the grip of a riff
which was swift to proclaim:- I-amb the great I-amb, I-amb!
Tetrameters tremble, the great Grand Slam 
is here, my friend, on your window pane. If you catch a whiff
of the rhythm's shift, I'll follow you into your waking world.
The lyrics were blurred, but even in sleep 
I could see they were handsome, tell they were deep.
Cocky the cock bird with taste for the tap -- like the flap 
of a sheet that smacks in the wind
or matters of state when the government sinned.

Now out in the world it has come to pass,that you can't confine
the rap to a tap on my window pane, for even the glass of an
           omnibus sings,
vibrates to the rhythm, slow or fast, to the hammering song of
           the bird's refrain.
And everywhere in the world or there, in tittle or jot -- you
           can care or not --
the song of the rapper is still the same.

The lines may be short or the lines may be long,
but the rhythm the rapper bird taps is strong
and its lyrics you'll think a definite treat --
though the rapper bird rates them no more than a tweet.


Elephant's Child said...

A lovely play on words. Thank you.

Daydreamertoo said...

I was almost rapping with this... very lyrical.
Tweet. :)

Brian Miller said...

nice flow man....haha, and a nice subtle nod to poe as well if i am not mistaken...you can def lay it down in rap man...and some nice word play along the way...

Tabor said...

What a fun bird song...the rhythm section, that is.

Mary said...

Loved the two different kinds of 'rapping' you worked into your poem.

You've got that rhythm down pat, Dave!

Ygraine said...

You've started ME rapping now!
That rhythm has taken up residence inside my head, and every sentence lends itself to that unmistakable beat.
Your Rapper Bird has a lot to answer for!! Hehehe:D

Scarlet said...

How fun to read along Dave ~

Nice rapper bird, you got the song coming ~

Tommaso Gervasutti said...

Grets rhythm and again "classical" echoes in the background: Gerald Manly Hopkinns.

Dick said...

Brilliant - total hip hop rhythm throughout, Dave!

Cloudia said...

delightful word/meaning play!

Aloha from Waikiki, my Friend
Comfort Spiral
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> < 3 3 3 ( ' >

Dave King said...

The Elephant's Child
Thanks so much for this.

Daydreamer too
Thank you for these kind words. It was something of an experiment.

Ah, you've made my day, picking up the reference! Thanks muchly.

Thanks for saying so.

Thanks. Much appreciate, what you say.

I sincerely hope it doesn't become too much of a nuisance! I do know how these things can do that. I'd hate to think there was any permanent harm done! Thank you for your comment.

Much thanks. really appreciate.

Ah, now I do believe you are flattering! I am a great admirer of G.M.H's. sprung rhythms, but have never gotten anywhere near them. Keep trying, though, eh?

Thank you. means a lot.

Much thanks for this. Really pleasing.

hyperCRYPTICal said...

This sings Dave, SINGS!

Anna :o]