My tale is one not widely known of Citizen Smith* in battledress performing for the overthrow of known society -- Oh yes! Installed upon the glass roof of the public lavatories for men (strategically placed, please note on Tooting Broadway's thoroughfare) with traffic surging all around, and clad in khaki battledress, loudly there he did proclaim the day of revolution come! Oh, yes! Alas, he'd gone a step too far -- Oh, no, my friends, not the glass roof...! but requisitioning that new phenomenon, the dubstep goat, promoting it to brigadier and making it the mascot of his rag-tag, hip hop, bob-tail gang. The poets -- 2-step garage; UKG; and jungle, loaded up with bass -- and artists of all kinds, performance and the rest from Tooting's Steppe lands -- Broadway to the likes of us -- as as far as Figges Marsh** and beyond, gathered in a protest march calling to the dubstep goat by name and using certain words they knew he'd understand, asking him to dance. And dance he did (for long ago the goat had joined the hip hops and aligned himself with them) beginning with Rose Madder's Studio for dance -- where it was found that having four good legs he could pull off a solo pas de deux. The fashion spread and he was in such great demand, he added to his repertoire: duos for jig, for jog, a new drummed dubstep, hip hop, hot spot, pot belly roast and more... Oh yes!! Boast as he might -- and boast he did -- our mighty Citizen, the revolutionary Smith, was quite unable to control his so-called mascot. Every roll of military drum just made him dance more off the mark. He had become a filament, free of the bulb that once had hemmed him in. He burned, he sizzled, flared, contorted, turned; he flipped and flopped. he leaped and dropped, crouched on the floor, flew through the air and all who saw him thought him taught by D.J. Hatcha or Fred Astaire.*** Without the dubstep goat, Smith knew the Revolution doomed. Nor could he use a goat with such poor discipline. He called his council to their final meet -- his H.Q. located in the box room of his mother's neat and tidy semi- with views across the Lido. and there he deemed the enterprise defunct. ........................................... * here ** here *** D J Hatcha hereWritten for The dubstep goat challenge at Imaginary Garden with Real Toads.
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Saturday, 29 December 2012
Why the Revolution Failed - or the dubstep goat challenge
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Gosh Dave that brought back memories - I used to love Citizen Smith!
Me too. Wish they'd recycle him.
Such hilarious fun, this take on the goat.
hahaha sounds like the goat was more trouble than he was worth, failed all for the want of an obedient goat...just doesnt seem right...ha.
Ha, I just don't seem to be able to get into goats. Smiles.
The Dubstep Goat
great lines
"...where it was found that having four
good legs he could pull off a solo
pas de deux."
"He had
become a filament, free of the bulb
that once had hemmed him in."
the revolution ends with the freedom of a goat.
I'm glad I took a few minutes to read my favorite writers this morning .... my house full of visiting children with all of the accompanying mayhem / fun / love!!
Sharp title, Dave. And, of course, great fun of a story here.
i just love the thought of Rose Madder having a studio!!!...great poem.
Wow, Dick, this is epic! You have created characters all you own, moving to a dubstep beat. Well done.
I had to look up Citizen Smith, but this was hilarious! I love the image of the filament burning free of the bulb!
It is the pas de deux (times two) which has me smiling loudest here. Thanks Dave.
Yes - the pas de deux line is hard to beat and all the imagery very zany and particular in a way that makes it especially funny. Like following a thread through a maze laughing all the way. Very clever, Dave. Thanks. k.
Hi All
I must have been hung-over, for I hadn't realised that I'd left no response here at all. My apologies all round, and my thanks, as usual, for your kind remarks.
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