I am writing a novel in which nobody speaks. Also, in this novel nobody acts from any particular volition -- which is to say, that nobody does anything which might possibly be construed as having some significance for plot or for character development. But when I say that no-one speaks, I mean just that: no more and no less. Each and every one of my characters moves like a shadow, has no discernible motivation imparted by the novel. Here then is the first significance: no language no volition -- or is it vice versa? Here then is the first conundrum -- not that it matters or will take anybody very far. There is no music, so no backing to accompany their slow drift to... perdition? (Recall: the novel is not yet finished, will not at the present moment resolve all questions might be asked of it.) There are no tele- phones... but then again, why would they want them? Here then are chapters one through to ten of thirteen, shortened, but otherwise as I have penned them -- as I hope you will rwlise in 3D -- superimposed on top of one another. (You have realised already that with no volition, no essential motivation, even warfare will be peaceful, no?) Before a row of houses sits a rabbit on a burned out car peeling a Jaffa orange with a Bowie knife. Other rabbits sit on other vehicles (tanks, tractors, tricycles and the odd barrow) peeling a variety of other fruits - and vegetables (apples, grapes, bananas, pears and radishes) with other knives. As they peel they watch with interest the magpies and the crows pick over Christmas debris. In the sky above them wheel back and forth two flocks of starlings, but always flying in the contrary direction to each other. Therefore, from time to time they fly full tilt and through each other. There are casualties... yes, of course there are, as birds collide and fall, as dead as stones, down to the ground, disturbing the more peaceful rabbits as they peel. Disturbed, but not essentially concerned. Chapter thirteen cannot be written until the issues raised in ten and then elaborated in eleven are resolved. As of now Chapters ten and, to a lesser extent maybe, eleven, seem quite unpenable. Here, though, are those issues about which I have been compelled to write. .............................. Written in response to Anna Montgomery's prompt Postmodern (Experimental) at dVerse Poets - Meeting the bar: Critique and Craft
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wow, Dave... truly fascinating.
haha, the crows picking over the christmas debris, i wonder a bit at the symbolism there you know...i really should not be commenting as there is no speaking, but then again...smiles.
it is good to see you man...you have been missed. hope the holidays were good to you.
I like the creative idea of writing where nobdy speaks, no movement nor music, like everything is stalled. Yet there is conflict and casualties - that part of the rabbit peeling was novelty ~
Good one Dave ~
Happy New Year ~
Intriguing, Dave.
A novel where lots left to how one imagines. No words, no movements nor music. This is fun. It takes the whole imagining process to a higher level. Brilliant Dave!
I think I would have a hard time reading this novel with no one speaking.
Welcome back.
this is just wonderful dave...my new fav by you...you take the random to the random to the random and by doing this, shift it right to the center...gorgeous
It is a privilege to visit your head.
Waiting for Bunny Godot?
Friday Aloha from Honolulu,
Comfort Spiral
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i think your fruit are the only characters I can see without volition, perhpas even they want to be peeled, or not?
I LOVE this, Dave. Fantastic. Just my kind of thing.
And a Wow from me - thanks for.
Thanks Brian. Yes, good to be back, even though I was kept away by all the right things. Not fully back in the flow yet, though.
Yes, you have it exactly: everything stalled, conflict and casualties and the rabbit peeling. Thanks for picking out those three. And a great New Year to you and yours.
Intriguing prompt, I thought. Thanks.
much thanks for saying this.
Ah well, speech is just words, you know! Thanks for the comment.
Wow, did I really do all that? Seriously, though, very grateful for the response.
Bunny Godot? However did you know that? yup! And thanks for a great comment.
Ah, but what if the fruit alone had volition? Wouldn't that change things? Good to know your thoughts. Thanks for saying.
Much thanks for saying so. Very reassuring.
But that can be the story - a silence where boring happens ....
I am a bit worried about the bunnies with knives. I don't believe that anything with a knife can be said to have no voiltion. They seemed a tad malevolent as they waited.
Brilliant piece Dave, I was glued to every word.
Ha! Now you have captured in a nutshell what I think about some experimental writing - it needs a narrative to sustain a longer story. Here you actually have a narrative - your writing of your novel - which seems a much more interesting process that the not-spoken plot!
Very clever.
i.e. a rose is a rose is a rose - sounds good in principal but could you read pages of it!!!!!! k.
I love this, I think you have written a masterpiece of absurdist 3D poetry (with your tongue in cheek no less. It brought to mind the beginning of Jose Saramago's The Stone Raft. Your deft weaving of velleity was particularly fascinating.
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