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Friday 8 January 2010

Haiku # 9

As with death snow levels all -
garden and neglected plot
so wildly contrasted in June


The Weaver of Grass said...

Yes, Dave, I suppose we could think about it as the second great leveller.

Karen said...

I had never thought of that, but you are so right.

steven said...

dave i just saw nasa's space view of great britain - entirely covered with snow! the great leveller indeed. steven

Carl said...

I love snow. It takes landscapes that are bleak and makes them magical. You are right it does hide a lot underneath thus levelling the landscape.

Shadow said...

dressed up and cleaned... yes, that is what winter does...

Kass said...

It is interesting that the melting reveals the work done on our inner fields as well - much like a refiner's fire.

Jinksy said...

'garden and neglected plot
so wildly contrasted in June' -

so exactly describes the diversity of us humans in the summers of our lives...I found the words extremely thought provoking.

Kay said...

is it summer yet? so true, so right you are...the difference.

Conda Douglas said...

I especially liked "snow levels all." It brought to mind a great image as I grew up in snow country.

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Yes, snow is leveling all overhere at the moment.....

Dave King said...

Thanks friends, for those comments. As always, there was a stimulating diversity, from Steven's reference to Nasa's view from space, to Carl's tranformations from bleak to magical, to Kass's refiner's fire to Jinksy's metaphor for us in the summer of our lives. Absorbingly interesting, all of them.

And to Momo Luna, a warm welcome to my blog.

Helen said...

I have always loved the cover-up qualities of a good snowfall ....

Renee said...

I love this Dave.
