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Wednesday 10 August 2011

Land Art - en plein air and indoors : Two Poems


Three conifers
stand in isolation
on a sandy inland beach.

I take a curving path
towards them. As I walk
they also move.
Change places
glide around each other,
always within touching distances.

Between their three trunks -
initially -
a lake,
a glistening stretch

Most entrances are taped
denying access
(toxic algae?)
though boats sail peacefully.


Covering a panel -
thick viridian green -
I blend in ochre, umber, several greys,
then deeply score from left to right.
A sharp tool
digging down
exposing the bare board -
a furrow through a tract of land
where centuries of feet have worn
a path, a highway, movements of a man
or men. I scrape
and scratch - the paint
is hardening -
the first score's perpendicular,
then drag in white
for chalk and black
for coal. I see it
as a sort of land art
grown at home
diminutive in scale.


Rachel Green said...

These are really lovely, Dave.
I was walking with you.

Misterio Vida said...

awesome...i felt like i was there walking along the conifer trees :)

The Weaver of Grass said...

Those three trees take up a lovely pose Dave. We have three scots pines on a nearby hill - somehow three is a restful number to look at. I like the way you speak of them moving as you move - changing the view.

jabblog said...

It's interesting to note how perspective changes as we walk.
I like your painting, too.

kaykuala said...

On the first poem, apparently we are witnessing the woes that can result if we're not careful about safeguarding our environment. Toxic algae may cause havoc on the coastlines. You brought very relevant issues with your keen observations. Brilliantly written!

For the second, again very incisive. I see your observations of land formation played out on paints and panels at home.

That's my take. Brilliant for both( hopefully I'm not off tangent!)

Victoria said...

David, you've wooed me with this one! Love the theme and the word painting of your process as the whole world of art is such an source of inspiration for me.

Windsmoke. said...

The conifer trees are so inviting i could easily throw a blanket on the ground in the shade and have a snooze :-).

Dave King said...

Really good to have you along. Thanks for saying.

Much appreciate the comment. Thanks.

The Weaver of Grass
We used to take the children to this spot, but hadn't been there for years. On monday fiends were visiting and we took them. I had forgotten the clump of trees, smaller then of course. I fully agree with you about their pose. I took a series of photographs from different angles.

Much thanks. Alas, you flatter me: not a painting, a humble snap shot.

I am very aware these days - as no doubt we all are - that landscapes are not necessarily wholly as they seem. There is toxic algae in the general area, though I saw no signs of it here. I was merely wondering why the water's edge was largely taped off, and was it algae. Unlikely, I think, as the boats were allowed out.

Good to hear that you enjoyed the verses. I very much appreciate you saying so. Thank you.

I'm with you there. That would have been delightful.

Erratic Thoughts said...

I like those conifers very much...
what a lovely image you created around them...
Change of view is a very clever write...
I always like how you bring out realtime issues in your work...