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Monday, 14 January 2013

Body Sock

An artist
may use clothing
to disclose
or hide a form.

Henry Moore used shelter drawings
to do both at once.
Here, a performance artist
uses hers,
not to reveal,
not to conceal,
but to confuse us about form.
A stunning set of visual puns
from our most alien world,
the sea
mixes metaphors
as she moves
frog man becomes a tube anemone,
a snorkel mask 
evolves into a tunicate's 
sack-like morphology with filter feeders
(rather like a periscope),
and then become a seal. 
the ambiguity of form
gives rise to ocean-going

It must have been quite magical,
the rock pool of her origin.

Much thanks to The Mag for both the image and its inspiration.


anthonynorth said...

Ah, the artistic mind. A wonderful thing.

Berowne said...

Original, resourceful, not to mention successful.

Brian Miller said...

ha. i like the artistic commentary dave....creative approach to this...indeed it must be on the rock pool....

LLM Calling said...

another performance artist take, brilliant

Manicddaily said...

Ha! k.

Mary said...

Well, I won't be asking Santa Claus to bring me one of these next year! LOL. Will you?

Don't Feed The Pixies said...

yes it does look like something Damien Hirst might create

A nice piece of writing

Ygraine said...

...just like me... sitting here now with heating on the blink and internet connection only just back on after two days...buried beneath so many layers of fabric...could be animal, vegetable or mineral under here...or even a crab from that magical rock pool!!!

A brilliant write, Dave :)

kaykuala said...

Yes, it'll be interesting to know the origin! Very well crafted Dave!


izzy said...

So very true thanks! sea indeed!

Grace said...

I like: ambiguity of form gives rise to ocean-going iguanas ~

Good approach to the picture prompt Dave ~

A Cuban In London said...

Your masterstroke was that last phrase: the rock pool of her origin. I loved it.

Greetings from London.

Janine Bollée said...

You learn something every day. I had no idea that these garments were used in the treatment of autism. [ a way to teach spatial language
with reinforced tactile information].
Your description is so rich in metaphors and insight.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I definitely need one of these today here in the Dales Dave - freezing and six inches of snow.

Anonymous said...

Not quite the same as body stocking ;-)

Other Mary said...

Oh, that's an interesting take; and your closing line is wonderful.

Helen said...

Morphing is good! I enjoyed this ..

Elephant's Child said...

The rock pool of her origin must indeed have been magic. And you have created it here - thank you.

21 Wits said...

Absolutely as magical as this read! Excellent take.

Dave King said...

Much thanks everyone

Once again, a really gtrat set of comments which have both thrilled and inspired me in a variety of ways - not to mention simply amused me. Enjoyed the references to Santa Clause and Damien Hurst, amongst others. Also the way you picked up on the rock pool. Especially good to have had so many new and old friends visiting. Thanks you all once again. It's part of what makes blogging so worth while.

Silent Otto said...

You have peered into the inner workings of the scarecrows clock here, Dave

Yvonne Osborne said...

How true. I love climbing into the brain of an artist. Oh...the things we'll see!

Tess Kincaid said...

Oh! I love the Henry Moore connection here...brilliant, Dave...

The Blog of Bee said...

I liked the last phrase too but the ocean-going iguanas really did it for me.

Jinksy said...

Love the thoughts engendered by your last two lines. :)