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Wednesday 30 January 2013

Sirens Don't Sit Demurely on the Rocks These Days

The light awhile too bright to look,
the blackness folded in upon itself
and darker than the darkest text in a closed book;
the sea erupting with volcanic force.

Has she a voice to lure stars down onto the rocks?
the force of personality to stretch or bend
the wavelengths of the ocean's echoes, thus to send
the dolphins distant on a wayward course?

And is her voice, the bleep, bleep, bleep, the digital deceit
of interference, satellite experience,reflecting back the songs
of cultures long gone now to the long house under the sea?

Dig this! she says, Dig what the ocean brings you, dig
that the souls roll on, burrowing deep in the rollers 'till
the rollers break in a shatter of spray at the lone land's edge

Yeah, I dig the deep bass of the soul of the beat, the beat
of my soul that I meet in  the roll of the waves;
the rhythmic mix of infinite beats that I draw from the graves,
the watery graves of those from the land who couldn't be saved.

But over it quietly, softly there flies, flows
fathoms that many have set to nought: a new stress:
a trip, a tremble and treble, all mellow as sunlight, 
laid-back as spring - and forging like it, a new way to begin.

The title was given to me as I went to collect the morning papers. I opened the shop door as another customer said it over his shoulder as a parting remark. A remark right out of context for me, but it suggested the poem.


Brian Miller said...

a trip, a tremble and treble, all mellow as sunlight, laid-back as spring - and forging like it, a new way to begin...ha, i rather like the way that trips off the tongue, really a nice cadence to the piece overall...

jabblog said...

Inspiration everywhere and you're just the man to respond:-)

Cloudia said...

So many gems here, from the smashing title on down!

Leovi said...

Excellent poem, I like the title. I would like to reconnect with the beating of my heart more often.

Tommaso Gervasutti said...

Marvellous and really mermaid-sea-flowing and Proteus fluctuating!
And your note at the end points perfectly out how poetry and chance..and the unexpected... are woven together.

Mary said...

I think it is amazing that you wrote your poem based on the comment you overheard. And I liked the message of the siren in your poem...especially "Dig what the ocean brings you...."

Unknown said...
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Optimistic Existentialist said...

Dave, your versatility astounds me sir.

Tom said...

fantastic stuff. What Nethin said...


A Cuban In London said...

I loved both the source of inspiration and the outcome. And these lines have a mighty groove of their own:

Dig what the ocean brings you, dig that the souls roll on, burrowing deep in the rollers 'till the rollers break in a shatter of spray at the lone land's edge Yeah, I dig the deep bass of the soul of the beat, the beat of my soul that I meet in the roll of the waves; the rhythmic mix of infinite beats that I draw from the graves, the watery graves of those from the land who couldn't be saved.

Fab. Thanks.

Greetings from London.

Carl said...

Another winner. I could read this over and over.

Dave King said...

Apologies to all for yesterday's no show. Appointments catching up on us, I'm afraid.

Thanks Brian. Much appreciate this comment.

Ah, but I wonder how much I miss! Many thanks.

Nice to know this - I consider titles one of my shortcomings, so thanks for saying.

Know what you mean, know what you mean. Me too! Thanks for remarking on the title.

Thanks for these observations. Good to know what you think, and, yes, I do agree with your final remark.

Very pleasing to hear you say this. Thank you so much.

Optimistic Existentialist
Thank you for such a kind remark.


A Cuban in London
Great to know that you think this. Much thanks for saying.

As always, a valued remark. Thanks.

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Agree with Carl in that I could read it over and over - and have done so.

Magical mystical beautiful content - lush!

Anna :o]