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Wednesday 9 January 2013

Dawn Vocalists

my first dawn chorus of the year.

Not quite dawn...
the year too young for such bird song -

even though,
not quite the full orchestral bit.

A quartet...
sextet -- that's pushing it a tad --

warming up
a wintry auditorium.

Who would sing --
I asked myself -- at such a time?

Who would trill
for joy in weather such as this?

Someone with
a nest to share perhaps? -- I'd chirp

with someone
snuggled close, feathered just like me.


Ygraine said...

This is so beautiful. I particularly like the ending:
'I'd chirp with someone snuggled close, feathered just like me.'

Wouldn't it be nice if human relationships were this simple?
And if we could be as joyful in spite of the January grey?
There is a profound lesson to be learned here :)

hyperCRYPTICal said...

The dawn chorus - as your words - is beautiful.

As a night-shift worker I have noticed across the past few years that there is rare a dawn when the birds don't sing - and (they) seem to sing earlier...

Anna :o]

Brian Miller said...

if someone was snuggled in close like that, i could def tweedle like a bird at home in the elements...i enjoy sitting and listening to them as is...

Mary said...

Oh, this is such a joyful post, Dave. I love this. It makes me feel all warm....for the birds as well as for humans watching! One of my favorites of yours, Dave.

Anonymous said...

Very nice. You know there are still little roses here in New York - last rose of January? So strange. You turn the strangeness into something quite cozy though. k.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Dave this was truly a great post. I agree with Ygraine on the wonderful ending sir.

Tommaso Gervasutti said...

Marvellous. Echoes from Emily Dickinson.

Eileen T O'Neill ..... said...


It is amazing how much the sound of birdsong can elevate the human mood. We are inclined to take it for granted...Until of course it does not appear...too late...

Best Wishes,

Elephant's Child said...

Some of our birds wake up considerably before sparrow fart, and sing about it. And it makes my heart sing to hear them. I loved this Dave, thank you. Lots.

Dave King said...

Thank you. It's always good to get your take on things, and, yes, it would be good if things could be that simple.

Thanks for this observation. Yes, I have heard it suggested before. Maybe we are lacking in some respect round here. I wonder why they are singing earlier...

Thanks Brian. Two birds of a feather, eh?

I am so pleased it had that effect upon you. It's really good to hear this. Thanks for saying.

Yes, we still have a few small roses and a couple of buds trying to decide whether they should open or not! We also have a lot of spring shoots coming through. It definitely seems as though the seasons are colliding!

Optimistic Existentialist
Thank you so much for your very kind words. Much appreciated.

Wow! I shall treasure that! Thanks muchly.

I do so agree with both your points. Like so much that we have taken for granted in the past and are now in danger of losing.

The Elephant's Child
And I love your comment. Many thanks for it. It made me sit up and want to sing!!