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Sunday 6 January 2013

Peace Within and Without

(The title was set by Mary in Poetics at dVerse Poets)

a peaceful scene
gives space
to rest the eye

a tranquil scene
small waves
that kiss the land

the distant hills
of restfulness

the only sound
to gliding birds

long sleepy waves
of flight
take mind in tow

but active minds
for inner peace

do not require
or stifled cries

to life - all life -
they give

play host and put
to rights
the mess of its

its noise
and bafflement

its rooms set right
the heart
content at last


jabblog said...

A peaceful scene - balm for the eyes and the soul.

Elephant's Child said...

Active minds have quite a challenge ahead of them. Some days a bit of stasis would be lovely.

Claudia said...

i think real peace is independent from what's happening outside...it can help to get the mind to rest but then goes beyond...that's how i understand what you wrote..and i would so agree..

Mary said...

This is a new form for you, Dave. It worked well, and I like your message. I do think Claudia captured it well.

kelvin s.m. said...

...you offered a wide scope of understanding in which we can achieve peace variety of forms and shapes...and you are pretty much even with your 4-2-4 count in syllables here... an exceptional offering indeed sir...smiles...

Raining Iguanas said...

Dave, this put me at ease. Let the day begin.

Brian Miller said...

idunno...keeping the peace at my house, you need a clean scene---at least in the living room...ha...a dirty house or chaotic house adds a level of stress...

Scarlet said...

This post shows your versatility Dave - short and crisp scenes of peace like gliding birds in flight ~

haricot said...

Hi Dave, actually to see birds' hovering and gliding brings me peace for eye and then to my mind.
I remember many spectacular scenes beyond my favorite pond for migratory birds.

Laurie Kolp said...

Love this, Dave:

the only sound
to gliding birds

long sleepy waves
of flight
take mind in tow

Carl said...

The active mind goes so far before it needs the peaceful scene again to recharge and gain some balance... At least of me that is. I loved the poem and saw myself in both parts of it.

David Cranmer said...

A tranquil scene indeed.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I love this Dave - it even gives one a sense of peace to read it.

Frank Watson said...

I like how these little droplets leave a thought in the mind to float around and then another droplet carries the story along.

Morning breeze
Carries a winter day—
The squeal of birds

Anonymous said...

This is what I need. Although a too active mind---

I love the word landsculpts. Thanks. k.

Tommaso Gervasutti said...

It's perfect for Buddhist meditation!

Bodhirose said...

Active or at rest...there is peace to be found...within. An inspirational message, Dave.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we yearn for serenity. I found it here today.

Tabor said...

This is one of those that I will have to re-read again and again. It seems much simpler in thought than I know it is.

Cait O'Connor said...

long sleepy waves of flight take mind in tow but active minds prepare for inner peace.

An ideal poem to read just before bed, thank you.

mrs mediocrity said...

Landsculpts of restlessness... Love this!

Unknown said...

a peaceful poem to read as I begin my day!

Dave King said...

Thanks so much.

The Elephant's Child
Yup, I wouldn't disagree with that!

I agree compltely with your first point. Yes, I think we're on the same wavelength. I was looking at the elements that make for peace externally and using them as similes for inner peace. Thanks for the comment.

Thanks for saying this. Good to know you thought it worked well.

Thank you for your response, I am rather overwhelmed by it. It is much appreciated.

Raining Iguanas
Wow, that's a great comment. Thanks, and a very warm welcome to you.

Know what you mean, definitely know what you mean!

Thanks for saying so, it is much appreciated.

Yes, exactly, there is something essentially peaceful about a bird in flight - even birds of prey!

Thank you so much. Your comments are always much valued.

Thanks for this Carl. You couldn't have said anything more encouraging.

Sincere thanks.

The Weaver of Grass
A really heartening comment. Much thanks.

Hi, a warm welcome to you. I love your comment very much indeed.

Thanks for this -- I was hoping someone might pick this out as I was unsure of it.

Fantastic observation. Thanks.

Hi, Good to have your visit and your very astute comment. Thanks for both.

I agree with your opening words, am chastened by the rest. Thank you very much indeed.

A most encouraging response. Thank you so much for it.

A warm welcome to you and warm thanks for your kind comment.

mrs mediocrity
Really good to know this -- I had been unsure ans was hoping for some feedback. Thank you.

Dave King said...

Robyn Greenhouse
Hi, A warm welcome to you. Good to have you visiting and many thanks for leaving a comment.

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Beautiful tranquil words Dave and the possibility of peace is within us all - if we ignore the outside world.

Like your new form too - skilfully done.

Anna :o]

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Beautiful tranquil words Dave and the possibility of peace is within us all - if we ignore the outside world.

Like your new form too - skilfully done.

Anna :o]