Several visitors commenting on my recent poem mentioned an interest or a delight in lily pools or pads, so I thought I would post one of my watercolours of the said pool.
The background, you might be interested to know, is a sandy bank with, beyond it, two amazing tree-tunnels - though much of the vegetation has been cleared and the trees lopped since then, so I doubt whether they are still there.
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Oh Dave, from where do you get such amazing talents? You're a water colour artist as well.
I love them both, good work. I like the light on the water a lot. I like that you can dream when looking at it.
The light-hearted doodle is great. It tickles my fantasy. It's like looking from behins glass, a window.
Have a nice weekend!
A watery world of nightmare you've painted there! I wouldn't want to go for a paddle...
I could never cope with watercolours. When I painted I literally coloured-in a drawing in blocks of oil. I've watched watercolourists at work and I stand in awe. It's the randomness of it all. When I painted what I saw in my head was what ended up on the page. I measured it. I used compasses and set squares. I'm the same with cooking. I treat it like a formula. I have no concept of a 'dash' of something.
I take my hat off to you, sir.
Utterly delightful, Dave.
Wow, these are good. I like the purples which add a rich and mysterious texture.
" of my watercolours." One! It would take me a lifetime and two more to come up with anything remotely that exquisite.
Great looking stuff Dave. Post more of your painting!
Beautiful images--I agree with Carl--would be interested in seeing more painting, tho I know rendering it to pixels must take away some vibrancy.
Love the colours in both, Dave, but especially the deep blues in/on the head of the cephalopod thingy!
I wish ... I wish ... I lived on your side of the pond for just long enough to come purchase one of your creations ~~ of course you would have a gallery and tons of followers.
boy oh boy dave the creative energy just flows through you!! nice work. steven
Beautiful stuff Dave, love them :) :)
My vision is not great- my computer screen worse- in the first I saw the Lady of Shallot and in the second I saw creatures from outer space...and your colour pallet , really nice!
Dave these are delightful, I was never very good with water-colours my hand is perhaps a tad too heavy so I have great admiration for anyone who can master this delicate art
Very lovely watercolours Dave, How clever you are!
They are stunning and the bottom one is a good kind of creepy. I like the colors you chose a lot.
your doodles are in water colour?
Is there no end to your ability to amaze this poor mortal?
Well done Dave, wonderful images!
Love paintings. You are such a talented chap.
Too kind, but much thanks.
Momo Luna
Welcome and many thanks for visiting and commenting.
I do think that light is a big pasrt of the human fascination with water. The two elements interact splendidly.
I always feel I could lose myself in any open water. Of course, if push came to shove...
You are right, of course, watercolour is in many ways the most difficult medium. I had never used it seriously, preferring to be able to work back over work provisionally laid-in, which can't be done with watercolours, not to any great extent, as it goes muddy. When I retired I decided to take up watercolors for that very reason. Partly a challenge, I suppose, but mostly for a new experience.
Thanks for that. Much appreciated.
Welcome. Thanks for the visit and the comments. The feedback is always useful.
It probably wouldn't, you know! Thanks, though.
Yup, I may just do that. Thanks.
Yes, the change to pixels does change things - but sometimes it flatters!
Ah, that's an example where the change did not flatter (see reply to John, above).
Now it's me to say I wish...
Again, I have to say: I wish... but thanks.
Short Poems
Welcome indeed and many thanks, both for the visit and the comment.
Linda Sue
That's a lovely commen t. Thanks greatly. Creatures from outer space is not wildly off target. The Lady of Shallot inspires...
I do sympathise. Since retiring I have developed a pronouced tremor in the arms, which makes life difficult, painting-wise.
Thanks for the comment - very much appreciated.
Thanks Ronda.
No, actually, an example of mixed methods: watercolour and digital doodling. (Well, it was bound to happen, wasn 't it?)
Thanks. Much appreciated.
M adame DeFarge
Many thanks for that.
Wow. These are beautiful, Dave. Good job! You are very talented...:)
Mr Stupid
Thanks for those kind words. Much appreciated.
Ah, such talent you have! Wonderful!!
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