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Monday 2 August 2010

Smile-worthy? and Haiku #222

 I already knew it, but just read it again and the absurdity struck me.
Iain Duncan Smith is becoming frustrated
because the treasury is unwilling to fund his cuts... yes, I know...

For us elderlies,
the vuvuzela-loud mobile -
I'll be ringing you.


Carl said...

Dave. That is a gem!

Kass said...

...more good news for the aurally challenged. Now, what do they have for our forgetliness?

Unknown said...

Poetic justice?

David Cranmer said...

I'm not sure what I read (being from the US) but I bet you said it well, Dave.

CiCi said...

Sounds like it might be loud enough for us senior citizens to hear all right.

Bossy Betty said...

Oh boy. Can't wait. I just didn't get enough of these during the games.

Jane Kennedy Sutton said...

Hmmm…‘ringing’ instead of ‘blowing.’ Well, I guess it’s the thought that counts.

Dave King said...

Thanks All:
for the comment Carl;
for Forgetliness - loved that Kass;
sure thing, Gwei, like it;
I did that, David;
and it's got big, clear keys, TechnoBabe
well, none of us did, Bossy Betty
A warm welcome to Jane Kennedy and yup, ringing the changes, I guess.