I apologise to those of you who left comments yesterday that have not yet been answered. This maybe a partial answer to some. This being the result of further reading and further thought. (Both of which, perhaps, I should have done yesterday before posting.) A further thought or two then on yesterday's post.
There was some confusion, caused in large measure by my too free use of the word free. The concept of net neutrality seems also to be a stumbling block. What is meant by it is no more than that the expectation that I will be able to download your web page at the same speed that I can download the BBC's or any other created by one of the internet giants - other things being equal. Giants like the BBC should have no unfair advantages over you when it comes to putting stuff on the web.
If that ceases to be so, if, for example, it pans out that Facebook is given preferential treatment over its competitors and is able to stream its content more quickly than they can, then very soon it will have no competitors, for everyone will have migrated to Facebook.
I mentioned yesterday the way that the BBC with its i-player is devouring the network, but not the fact that the government is committed to seeing every household equipped with broadband before the next election. However, neither the BBC nor the government are contributing any cash towards their laudable aims. That being so, too big a dose of net neutrality may cause the net to grind to a stop before too long.
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You're right in that the continuation of net neutrality will require some massive engineering efforts. But without net neutrality, we will eventually have a Wal-Mart/McDonalds/Disney internet (using those brand names only somewhat metaphorically), not the ragged panoply we now enjoy.
Rather like analogue/digital, there is an assumption that the public will be so eager to acquire the latest technology that they will drive the improvements. This may be/have been true for TV but the decision to switch off analogue radio has been postponed. And for all the eagerness folks have for computers, I think there's still a significant percentage who aren't plugged in nor have the desire to be. I think there needs to be a huge improvement to the broadband network before every household could receive a quality service.
We have great internet service here and we see that in future we will be offered a screaming fast service for a higher cost or remain with the one we have and the speed will be less than it is now. This is an interesting topic for all internet users I think.
We have Rogers in Toronto or Bell providing our internet service and these companies determine the speed of service. Soccer got the high speed here during FIFA, business gets it 9-5 during weekdays and at three in the morning? No one gets it. Media networks seem to have unlimited access anytime. Rogers and Bell have relentless advertising on my home phone line as well. I hate that mega corporations with only one or two competitors are allowed to exist in the business world.
I have to agree that money is the bottom line for corporations these days. Customer service, satisfaction or quality of products have no place in today's world.
I'm getting very frustrated with the BBC's insistence on making more & more of its content HD-only. Where I live, we simply can't get good enough broadband for that.
Where I live we also have an unequal quality of broadband access.
Thanks for alerting me to this latest news anyway, worrying though it is.
thoughtful and considered comments from you and others and lots of food for thought. while i also fear for the loss of neutrality and accessibility, especially if one needs the latest toy in order to access the most basic information, i am also comforted by how raw ingenuity seems to counter even these conglomerate forces. i am hoping to remain hopeful.
Yes indeed, that is absolutely, sadly right.
You're right, but infact most developments, so far as computers are concerned, have been driven, not by the public's enthusiasm, but by the military or by gambling - for example by the makers/owners of the old one-arm bandits seeing how much more money could be made by electronic versions.
Interesting, but the worry is not what the boffins will provide, but how it will be carved up. It is great at the moment, and that is how we'd like it to stay.
Thanks for that Linda, it is really interesting, though n ot exactly consoling.
A growing problem, I fear. The BBC has a lot to answer for.
Welcome and many thanks for the comment. Couldn't agree more.
Let's hope you are right. It has been so at times in the past, I agree. Thanks for a cheering thought.
ah...and now I understand...thanks for explaining in the two posts...that must be what the net if for...free access and equality...
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